
The following sources were used to create the content on this site. They are referred to throughout the pages by the name in brackets and are listed alphabetically here. The titles are linked to their WorldCat entries or to this site's Publications page. Many of the published volumes you may be able to purchase or use in a university or public library near you. Germans from Russia historical societies and their chapters may also hold the book in their collections. If a digitized version of a source is freely available, it is also listed in the entry. 

[AELGRR] – Agende für die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden im russischen Reiche [Agenda for the Evangelical Lutheran congregations in the Russian Empire]. St. Petersburg: R. Golicke, 1897. Digitized version.

[AHSGR] American Historical Society of Germans from Russia,

[AHSGR-J] Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, AHSGR, [1978 to the present].

[AHSGR-W]American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Work Papers, AHSGR, [1969-1977].

[Arcanum-1872] – “Russia (1872).” Arcanum Adatbázis Kft. 1872. [This map, although not identified on the website, is probably the work of Theodor Friedrich Schubert (1789-1865) a.k.a. Fedor Fedorovich Shubert. The 1860 and 1872 versions of this map appear on other map websites identified only as by "Schubert."]

[Bergdorf-1848] – “The Chronicle of Bergdorf,” transl. by Joseph S. Height. – Copies of this translation are available in three sources: [HeightH], pp. 199-201; [Glückstal-2004], pp. 95-96; and at the website [Odessa3], The original German version can be found in [Leibbrandt], pp. 65-68. 

[Bergdorf-1910] – Klüpfel, Johannes. “Das hundertjahrige Gründungsjahr der Kolonie Bergdorf, Süd-Russland,” in Eureka Post [EP], Eureka, SD: 17 Feb. 1910, p. 1. English transl. in [Glückstal- 2004], pp. 100-102.

[Bischoff-1909]Bischoff, G. August. “A 1909 Report on Russian-German Settlements in Southern Dakota,” transl. by Anton H. Richter. South Dakota History [Journal of the South Dakota Historical Society], 1981, 11/3, 185-198. Digitized version.

[BlackSea]Black Sea German Census, etc: Supplement to the “Stumpp Book,” vol. 1. Bismarck, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Society, 2003.

[Bosch] – Bosch, Anton and Josef Lingor. Entstehung, Entwicklung und Auflösung der deutschen Kolonien am Schwarzen Meer am Beispiel von Kandel von 1808 bis 1944. [Origin, development and dissolution of the German colonies on the Black Sea using the example of Kandel from 1808 to 1944]. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1990.

[BoschT] – Bosch, Anton, Trauerbuch Odessa [2]. Nürnberg HFDR, 2007.

[Brandes]Brandes, Detlef, and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen [Bibliography on the History and Culture of the Russian Germans], München: Oldenbourg, 1999. [Updated from 1994 edition and continuation in the periodical Forschung zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen under the title “Laufende Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen,” vol. 5, 1995, pp. 187-199.]

[Brulotte]Brulotte, Frieda Eichler, and Louise Elton Potter. Germans from Russia in the Yakima Valley prior to 1940. Yakima, Wash: Central Washington Chapter of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia. 1990. 

[BSGR] – “Black Sea German Research.” Website. n.d.

[Church] – Rudolf, Homer. “The Church in the Glückstal Colonies and Hoffnungstal,” in [Glückstal-2004], p. 357-393. 

[Dakota-RR-1886]Rand McNally and Company. “Official Railroad Map of Dakota Issued by the Railroad Commissioners, November 1st, 1886.” Image. Chicago, IL: Rand McNally and Company. 1886.

[DFP]Dakota Freie Presse [newspaper published from various locations,] 1873-1946.

[EP] Eureka Post and Die Eureka Post. Eureka Post. Eureka, McPherson Co., S.D. : O.J. Roe. 18??-19??. Digital versions from the Library of Congress: English German

[Etomesto-Od-1920] – "Map of the Odessa Province, 1920," Etomesto. Website. n.d.

[FEEFHS] Federation of Eastern European Society of Germans from Russia. Website. n.d.

[FHL] – Family History Library. Website. n.d.

[Fiechtner] Flechtner, Friedrich, and Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Fateful Danube journey: a true account of an emigration to Russia 1816-1817. Bismarck, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Society. 1981.

[GELKR]Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland [Law for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. [St. Petersburg ?], 1832. Digitized version, 1857 edition.

[Gerhardt] – Gerhardt, W. “Die russischen Eisenbahnen : auf Grund des Sborniks der Stationsentfernungen für die russischen Bahnen [The Russian railroads : based on the Sbornik of station distances for the Russian railroads ].” 1912.

[Geschichte] – Richter-Ebert, Ute, ed. Geschichte und Kultur der Deutschen in Russland/UdSSR: Auf den Spuren einer Minderheit. [History and Culture of the Germans in Russia/UdSSR: In the Footsteps of a Minority.] Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, Sigmarigen, Germany: Jan Thorbeke Verlag, 1989.

[Giesinger] – Giesinger, Adam. From Catherine to Khrushchev: The Story of Russia's Germans. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1981.

[Glückstal-1848] – “The Chronicle of Glückstal,” transl. by Joseph S. Height. – Copies of this translation are available in three sources: [HeightH], pp. 186-192; [Glückstal-2004], pp. 60-64; and at the website [Odessa3], The original German version can be found in [Leibbrandt], pp. 52-61.

[Glückstal-1858]Hoffman, Karl, Margaret Freeman & Harold Ehrman, transl. for Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colony Census (1858). Fargo, ND: Document Publishing Center, North Dakota State University, 1998.

[Glückstal-1858b] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Glückstal, Odessa: 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.

[Glückstal-1901] – Schrenk, Martin Friedrich. “Glückstal,” in [OdKal] 1901, pp. 101-106. English transl. in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 64-67.

[Glückstal-1915] – “Das Wolostgebiet Glückstal,” in [OdKal], 1915, pp. 108–128. English transl. in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 51-56; 68- 69; 86 & 96-97.

[Glückstal-2004] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia and North America: A Bicentennial Collection of History, Genealogy and Folklore. Pierre, SD: State Pub. & Printing, 2004.

[Glückstal-2008] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia, the Soviet Union, and North America. Fargo, ND: Richtman's Printing, 2008.

[Glückstal-2015] – Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2015 Flash Drive. Savage, MN, 2015. [Extended and replaced with Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2021 Data Drive.]

[Glückstal-2021] – Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2021 Data Drive. Frisco, TX, 2021.

[Glückstal-Births-Marriages] – Ehrman, Harold M. Glückstal Colonies Births and Marriages, 1833-1900. Fargo, North Dakota: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 1997.

[Glückstal-Deaths] – Ehrman, Harold M. Glückstal Colonies Deaths, 1833-1900. Fargo, North Dakota: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 1998. 

[GRD] “Geschichte Der Russland Deutschen” [History of the Russian Germans]. Website. n.d. [This website was heavily referenced when the source bibliographies on the GCRA website were composed. It was used for classes in German secondary schools. It has since removed or moved most of its content. Archived links from the early 2000s are noted where they are available.]

[GRHC] Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, [special collections, museum, website],

[GRHC-JHT] Germans from Russia Heritage Collection Journey to the Homeland Tour Photo Collections, 1996-2019. Collections available on Flicker website, and NDSU Repository website,

[GRHS] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society,

[GRHS-HR] Heritage Review [Journal of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], GRHS, [1973 to the present].

[GRHS-WP] North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Work Paper, GRHS, [1971-1972].

[Hamm] – ???

[HeightH] – Height, Joseph S. Homesteaders on the Steppe: Cultural History of the Evangelical- Lutheran Colonies in the Region of Odessa, 1804-1945. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1975.

[HeightM] – Height, Joseph S. Memories of the Black Sea Germans: Highlights of Their History and Heritage. Associated German-Russian Sponsors, 1979.

[HeightP] – Height, Joseph S. Paradise on the Steppe: A Cultural History of the Kutschurgan, Beresan, and Liebental Colonists: 1804-1972. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1973.

[Heimatbuch] Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland, 19.. [Homeland Book of the Germans from Russia, 19..] Stuttgart, Landmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, [1954 to the present].

[Hoffnungstal-1848] – “The Chronicle of Hoffnungstal,” transl. by Joseph S. Height. – Copies of this translation are available in three sources: [HeightH], pp. 201-205; [Glückstal-2004], pp. 117-120; and at the website [Odessa3], ( The original German version can be found in [Leibbrandt], pp. 114-119.

[Hoffnungstal-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Hoffnungstal, Tiraspol Kreis, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.

[Hohman] – Hohman, John George. Pow Wows or, The Long Lost Friend: A Collection of Mysterious and Invaluable Arts and Remedies for Man as well as Animals with many Proofs of their virtue and efficacy in healing diseases, etc., the greater part of which was never published until they appeared in print for the first time in the U.S. in the year 1819. [reprint] Airville, PA: Yardbird Books, 1992. Digitized version.

[Hummel] – Hummel, Theodor. 100 Jahre Erbhofrecht der detuschen Kolonisten in Russland. [100 Years of Laws of Inheritance of the German Colonists in Russia.] Berlin; Reichsnrährstand Verlags-Ges. m. b.h., [1936].

[Kassel-1848] – “The Chronicle of Kassel,” transl. by Joseph S. Height. – Copies of this translation are available in three sources: [HeightH], pp. 196-199; [Glückstal-2004], pp. 105-108; and at the website [Odessa3], ( The original German version can be found in [Leibbrandt], pp. 68-71. 

[Kassel-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Kassel, Tiraspol District, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.

[Keller] – Keller, Konrad. German Colonies in South Russia: 1804-1904, 2d ed. translated by Anton Becker, 2d. ed, with some revisions by Adam Giesinger, 2 vols . Lincoln: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia: 1980-1983. [NOTE: 1st ed: 1968-1973.] Digitized version.

[Ketterling] – Ketterling, Lloyd & Adam, transl. “Relocation Records of the Village of Kassel 1839-1854,” Heritage Review [GRHS-HR], 28/4, Dec. 1998, 18-38. 

[Kirchen] Materialen zur Geschichte und Statistik des Kirchen- und Schulwesens der ev.-luth. Gemeinden in Russland. [Additions to the materials on the history and statistics of the church and school system of the Lutheran congregations in Russia.] St. Petersburg: 1862. Digitized version. 

[Leibbrandt] – Leibbrandt, Georg. Die deutschen Kolonien in Cherson und Bessarabien: Berichte der Gemeindeämter der lutherischen Kolonien in der ersten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. [The German colonies in Cherson and Bessarabia: reports from the parish offices of the Lutheran colonies in the first half of the nineteenth century.] Stuttgart: Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft, 1926. Digitized version.

[LeibbrandtH] – Leibbrandt, Georg. Hoffnungstal und seine Schwaben : die historische Entwicklung einer Schwarzmeerdeutschen Gemeinde, als Beispiel religiös bestimmter Wanderung und Siedlung und als Beitrag zur Geschichte des Rußlanddeutschtums. [Hoffnungstal and its Swabians: the historical development of a Black Sea German community, as an example of religiously determined migration and settlement and as a contribution to the history of Russian Germanism.] 3rd ed. [expanded genealogy section by Rita Heidebrecht, Angelika Holzwarth-Kocher, Thomas Kocher]. Stuttgart: Richard Wahl Druckerei, 2005. Digitized version. 

[LeibbrandtN] – Leibbrandt, G. “Neudorf Geb. Odessa,” [excerpted from his Die deutschen Kolonien in Cherson und Bessarabien], in Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland 1962. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, [n.d.] 54-56.

[Mack] – Mack, Eduard. Zwischen Moldau und Ukraine: Erinnerungen an die deutschen Kolonien im Glückstaler Gebiet. [Between Moldova and Ukraine: Memories of the German Colonies in the Glückstal Region.] Ravensburg: Hanf Buch- und Mediendruck, 2005.

[Magosci]Magocsi, Paul R., and Geoffrey J. Matthews. Historical atlas of East Central Europe. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993. 

[Marienberg] – Bollinger, Johann & Janice Huber Stangl, Marienberg: Schicksal eines Dorfes / Fate of Village. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2000.

[Martyr]Kovalʹchuk, L. V., and G. A. Razumov. Odesskiĭ martirolog: dannye o repressirovannykh Odessy i Odesskoĭ oblasti za gody sovetskoĭ vlasti [Odessa Martyrology: data on the repressed people of Odessa and Odessa oblast during the years of Soviet rule]. Odessa: OKFA. 1997.

[Matthäi] – Matthäi, Friedrich. Die deutschen Ansiedelungen in Russland: Ihre Geschichte und ihre volkswirthschaftliche Gedenkung für die Vergangenheit und Zukunft. Studien über das russische Kolonisationswesen und über die Herbeiziehung fremder Kulturkräfte nach Russland [The German Settlements in Russia: Their History and Economic Considerations for the Past and Future. Studies on the Russian colonization system and on the attraction of foreign cultural forces to Russia]. Leipzig: Hermann Fries, 1866. [WorldCat does not have a sufficiently useful entry for this volume at this time. It is available at the following locations: AHSGR, GRHC, GRHS.]

[Mertens]Mertens, Ulrich, Allyn Brosz, Alex Herzog, and Thomas Stangl. German-Russian handbook: a reference book for Russian German and German Russian history and culture with place listings of former German settlement areas. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection (GRHC) Publications. 2010.  Digitized version.

[Miller] North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies and Michael M. Miller, Researching the Germans from Russia: annotated bibliography of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Library ; with a listing of the library materials at the Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Fargo, N.D., USA: The Institute. 1987.

[MILW]Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway Company. “Chicago-Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway and Connections.” Buffalo, N.Y.: Matthews, Northrup & Co. 1885.

[MRDK] Museum für RusslandDeutsch Kulturgeschichte [Museum for Russian-German Cultural History],

[Neudorf-1848] – “The Chronicle of Neudorf,” transl. by Joseph S. Height. – Copies of this translation are available in three sources: [HeightH], pp. 193-196; [Glückstal-2004], pp. 83-85; and at the website [Odessa3], The original German version can be found in [Leibbrandt], pp. 64-65. 

[Neudorf-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Neudorf, Tiraspol District, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.

[Newsletter]Glückstal Colonies Research Association Newsletter, Glückstal Colonies Research Association, GCRA, [1987 to the present].

[Odessa3] – “Odessa: A German-Russian Genealogical Library.” Website. 1993-present.

[OdKal] Neuer Haus- und Landwirthschaftskalender für deutsche Aussiedler in südlicher Russland auf das Jahr ... [New house and farming calendar for German emigrants in Southern Russia for the year ...] Odessa: Druck und Verlag von L. Nitzsche, [published 1863-1915]. Digitized versions of 1906, 1909, 1910 and 1913.

[OdZe] Odessaer Zeitung. Odessa: L Nitche. 1861-1918. 

[Plum] – Plum Williams, Hattie. The Czar’s Germans: With Particular Reference to the Volga Germans. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1975.

[Rath] – Rath, George. The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1991.

[Rempel] – Rempel, Hans. Deutsche Bauernleistung am Schwarzen meer: Bevölkerung und Wirtschaft 1825. [German Farmer Performance at the Black Sea: Population and Economy 1825.] Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1940. Digitized version.

[Renz-List]Renz, Curt, and Richard Sallet. An index of German, Russian and Rumanian villages found in Russian-German settlements in the United States by Richard Sallet. [Ames, Ia.]: C. Renz, 2000.

[Retromap-1918-1419182] – 1918 Austrian Map of Central Russia [Composite map compiled from sheets of Austrian operational military maps from 1912-1918.] Kaiserlich-Königliches Militär-Geographisches Institut. Digital repository:

[Retromap-1940-14194016]1940 Map of the Red Army (RKKA) [Composite map of the European part of the USSR with variable scale with sheets from 1936-1947 on scales from 1:100,000 to 1:4,000,000.] Digital repository:

[Rice] Rice, G. Jay, and Fred Sturnegk. “Rice’s Sectional Map of Dakota Territory.” Image. St. Paul, Minn.: St. Paul Lithog. & Eng. Co. 1872.

[Rubarth-Lay] James Rubarth-Lay. "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812." Staff website, The University of Texas at Austin. (archived link)

[Rumsey] The David Rumsey Map Collection. Website. n.d. 

[Sallet] – Sallet, Richard. Russian-German Settlements in the United States, transl. by Lavern J. Rippley & Armand Bauer. Fargo, ND: North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, 1974.

[Schmaltz] – Schmaltz, Eric J. An expanded bibliography and reference guide for the former Soviet Union's ethnic Germans: issues of ethnic autonomy, group repression, cultural assimilation, and mass emigration in the twentieth century and beyond. Fargo, N.D.: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2003.

[Schnurr1] – Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen und das Religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen: Evangelischer Teil. [Churches and Religious Life of the Russian Germans: Protestant Part.] 2d ed. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1978.

[Schnurr2] – Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen und das Religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen: Katholischer Teil. [Churches and Religious Life of the Russian Germans: Catholic Part.] 2d ed. Stuttgart: Selbstverlag Joseph Schnurr, 1980.

[Schnurr3] – Schnurr, Joseph. Die Kirchen und das Religiöse Leben der Russlanddeutschen [Churches and Religious Life of the Russian Germans]. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Rußland e. V. 1972. [First ed. published in 1969-1972 vol. of the series, Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland [Heimatbuch].] English trans. by Allen E. Konrad on the website [BlackSeaGR],

[SDH]South Dakota History [Journal of the South Dakota Historical Society]. Pierre, SD, South Dakota Historical Press, [1970 to the present].

[SGGEE] – Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe,

[Skinner] – Skinner, Peter. Germans in the Land of the Volga. Transl. by Dona Reeves-Marquardt. Lincoln, NE. American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1989. 

[SPB-museum] – State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg, [archive, museum, website],

[Stach] – Stach, Jakob. Die deutschen Kolonien in Südrussland: Kulturgeschichtliche Studien und Bilder über das erste Jahrhundert ihres Bestehens. I. Teil. [The German colonies in southern Russia: cultural-historical studies and images of the first century of their existence. Part 1.] Prishib: Gottlieb Schaad, 1904.

[Stricher] – Stricher, Gerd, ed. Deutsche Geschichte im Osten Europas: Russland. [German History in Eastern Europe: Russia.] Berlin: Siedler Verlag, 1997.

[StumppB]Stumpp, Karl. Das Schrifttum über das Deutschtum in Rußland: e. Bibliographie. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft d. Deutschen aus Rußland e.V. 1980.

[StumppKE] – Stumpp, Karl. Emigration From Germany to Russia in the Years 1763-1862. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1982. Digitized version.

[StumppMOd] – Stumpp, Karl. "Karte der deutschen Siedlungen im Gebiet (oblast) Odessa (ehm. westl. Teil des Gouv. Cherson)" (Map of German settlements in the Odessa region/oblast, former western part of Kherson governorate). Karl Stumpp, AHSGR, and Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1955.

[StumppP]Stumpp, Karl. The German-Russians: Two Centuries of Pioneering. New York, N.Y.: Edition Atlantic-Forum, 1993.

[StumppV] – Stumpp, Karl. “Verzeichnis der deutschen Siedlungen im Gebiet Odessa,” [Directory of German Settlements in the Odessa Region] in Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland 1956. [Homeland book of the Germans from Russia 1956.] Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1982 reprint, 182-192. “Anhang” on p. 193.

[Stupperich] – Stupperich, Robert. Kirchenordnungen der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Russland [Church Orders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. Ulm/Donau:  "Unser Weg" Verlag. 1959.

[Stupnik] Stupnik, Cynthia Anne Frank. Steppes to Neu Odessa: Germans from Russia Who Settled in Odessa Township, Dakota Territory, 1872-1876. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 2002.

[Südostdeutsches Archiv] - Südostdeutsches Archiv [South East German Archive, 19..] München : Oldenburg, [published since 1958].

[Tiraspol-1886] – “Карта Тираспольского уезда с обозначением населенных пунктов и земских дач,  принятых за единицы исследования, и виноградников.” [Map of Tiraspol County with the designation of settlements and zemstvo dachas, taken as survey units, and vineyards.] Russian Empire. 1886.

[UKRW] The Ukrainian Weekly. Parsippany, N.J. : The Ukrainian Weekly. 1933-present. Digitized version: latest issues, archive 1933-2019.

[USMail-1881]United States Post Office Department, and W.L. Nicholson. “Post Route Map of the Territory of Dakota with Adjacent Parts of Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota, and Portions of the Dominion of Canada.” Image. [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Post Office Dept., 1881.: U.S. Post Office Dept. 1881.

[Vlasenko] – Vlasenko, Petro. "Topographic maps of the early 20th century. Third Military Map of Austria-Hungary." Website. n.d.  1912.

[VolgaGermans] – The Volga Germans." Website. 2009-present. [Formerly "The Center for Volga German Studies at Concordia University."]

[Vossler-1] – Vossler, Ronald J. & Joshua J., transls. & eds. The Old God Still Lives: Ethnic Germans in Czarist and Soviet Ukraine Write Their American Relatives, 1915-1924. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2005.

[Vossler-2] – Vossler, Ronald J., transl. We’ll Meet Again in Heaven: Germans in The Soviet Union Write Their American Relatives, 1925-1937. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2001.

[Walters] – Walters, George J. Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben: The Story of the Volga Germans, [ed. by Christopher D. Walters; updated by Charles Walters]. Kansas City, MO: Halcyon House Pub., 1993.

Page last updated 10 February 2024