Volunteer Opportunities
The Glückstal Colonies Research Association has always thrived on its dedicated volunteers. Over the years, there have been fewer and fewer. We encourage you to get involved with the GCRA by volunteering your time and expertise and helping the organization meet its mission. The following opportunities are available:
GCRA Newsletter
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, contact Duane Stabler at destabler@outlook.com
This person is responsible for selecting, soliciting, and editing the content of the GCRA Newsletter, including articles, photos, translations, etc. The Newsletter is produced twice a year and is on average 48 pages per issue. This person would be working closely with the Layout Manager. We ask for a one year commitment, hoping that you'll like it and want to stay on longer.
Layout Manager
This person is responsible for doing laying out the two issues of the GCRA Newsletter a year. The current Newsletter template is in Microsoft Publisher, but if you know other desktop publishing software, have the skills, and are willing to create a template in the desktop publisher of your choice, we would be open it. Experience with photo editing a plus. The Layout Manager would work closely with the Editor. We ask for a one year commitment, hoping that you'll like it and want to stay on longer.
Article Contributors
We need members who will commit to contributing at least one article for the Newsletter per year between 500 and 3000+ words. Some possible writing topics:
Write about a photo, a document, or a recipe related to you Glückstal Colonies ancestors.
Write about a memory you have of your parents', grandparents', great-grandparents' basement, cellar, attic, chicken coop, etc.
Write about a recent discovery in your research.
Write about a family story or myth that you have confirmed or debunked.
Write about a holiday tradition related to your ancestors that you keep alive.
Write about how you teach your children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren about their heritage.
Write about something you read in a past Newsletter or other GCRA publication and how it helped your research.
GCRA Website
No website or html experience necessary! The work is short-term information gathering and will help add useful content to the website. If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact Sandy Schilling Payne at gcra.webmaster@gmail.com
The Colonies Project
The goal is to have a webpage for every mother, daughter and chutor.
Materials needed (GCRA does not provide these to you):
A copy of or access to the book The Glückstalers in New Russia and North America: A Bicentennial Collection of History, Genealogy and Folklore. ($68 from GRHC)
A copy of the free ebook German-Russian Handbook: a reference book for Russian German and German Russian history and culture with place listings of former German settlement areas. (free from GRHC)
Optional: Nice to have but not mandatory for this work is the GCRA 2021 Data Drive for accessing the Points-of-Origin file to help determine when our ancestors lived in locations that do not have founding years. ($55 from GCRA)
Skills needed:
Typing, OCR scanning, or other technology of your choice to copy the necessary text from the book into a word processor file (any application is fine, Word, Google Docs, etc..). No formatting needed. Just straight text.
Ability to search a list of internet sources for information about the colony, locate photos, etc. and report any useful findings along with the source.
Commit to collecting information for 5 colonies. Those available are listed below:
Hoffnungstal (assigned) Berlin (assigned)
Blumental Eigenfeld
Fontal Friedenstal
Grekowo Grüntal
Hildesheim Hoffnungsfeld
Horski Klein Bergdorf
Klein Glückstal Klein Neudorf
Koscharka Malichonowo
Marienberg Marienheim
Nesselrode Neu Beresina
Neu Blumenfeld Neu Glückstal
Neu Kassel Neu Sawatski
Otrada Post
Schäfer Schirajewo
Schönfeld Seebach
Sherebkowe Sofiental
Topik (assigned) Wischina
Chutor Alexandrowka (assigned) Chutor Balitski (assigned)
Chutor Faas Chutor Kronstal
Chutor Mardarowka Chutor Neuhof
Chutor Polesnaja Chutor Wakarski
Chutor Wodina Hirschberg
Irenenfeld Michelstal
Wilhelmsaue Wilhelmsfeld
The Gallery Project (details coming soon)
The goal is to have a page of images for each of the following topics:
GCRA Monument erected in Glückstal
Funerals and Obituaries
Folk Medicine
Clothing and Handwork
Newspaper articles
Page last updated 11 March 2022