Research Source Guide: Germans from Russia
The following is a list of general Germans from Russia bibliographies, timelines and important documents in chronological order from 1762-1977. The sources cited with the notation "—— in [...]" are listed in alphabetical order in the bibliography at the end of this page.
This list was created in 2009, and some of the website URLs have changed or are now non-existent. While editing and updating this list, archived links in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine were used to allow you to see the snapshots of the "historical" links rather than just leaving the dead link text. Those URLs are noted with (archived link) next to to the original link. Archived links are in the English language unless otherwise stated. It should be noted that Wayback Machine snapshots captured text reliably, but it didn't always capture all of the images or externally linked files (PDFs, etc.) on a webpage. If an archived link has no useful information, (dead link) is noted next to it. You may be able to find the information elsewhere.
Germans from Russia Bibliographies
Brandes, Detlef, and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen,
—— in [Brandes].
Miller, Michael M., Researching the Germans from Russia: annotated bibliography of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Library ; with a listing of the library materials at the Germans from Russia Heritage Society.
—— in [Miller].
Schmaltz, Eric J., comp. An Expanded Bibliography and Reference Guide for the Former Soviet Union’s Ethnic Germans,
—— in [Schmaltz].
Stumpp, Karl. Das Schriftum über das Deutschtum in Russland. Eine Bibliographie,
—— in [StumppB].
"...List of books and publications on the history and culture of the Germans from Russia,"
—— on the website [MRDK]:
Time Lines
“Russian History Chronology [ca. 550 - 1977],”
—— on the website [Odessa3]:
“Chronology of the Black Sea Region [850 BC - 1995],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Chronology on the History of the Germans from Russia in the Former Soviet Union [1549-1885],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
“Russian Time Line [1685-1979],”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 3-13.
Schwabauer, Constantin. “Wichtige Daten aus dem Leben der Deutschen in Russland [1762 - 1945],”
—— in [Heimatbuch],1956, p. 48.
“Important Dates in the History of the German Colonists in Russia [1762-1970],”
—— in [AHSGR-W] no. 5, 1971, pp. 47-50.
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1762-1974],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1801-1974],”
—— in [HeightH], p. 233.
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1801-1977],”
—— in [HeightP], pp. 117-118.
“Colonist Calendar of Major Events [1801-1977],”
—— in [HeightM], pp. 102-104.
“American Time Line [1803-1945],”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 393-396.
“Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia, 1812 – Timetable of Events,”
—— on the website [Rubarth-Lay]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Bergdorf, 1810-1855 - German],
—— in [Mack], p. 97
[Friedenstal, Glückstal Daughter Colony, 1896-1945 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 134.
[Glückstal, 1804-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 62
[Kassel, 1810-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 112.
[Neudorf, 1809-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 79.
Historic Documents
Historic documents related to the Germans from Russia are listed here chronologically. This is a list of sources where you will find complete original texts, extracts, translations, and and/or commentary.
—— 1700s ——
1762, 14 October
“Manifesto of 14 October 1762 – Manifesto of Catherine II to her Senate of 14 October, 1762,"
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1763, 28 April
“Emigration ban promulgated by the Archbishop of Treves on 28 April 1763,"
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1763, 22 July
“Manifesto of the Empress Catherine II issued July 22, 1763” [Facsimile of p. 1 – German text version],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1763, 22 July
[German text transcription of the Manifesto of 22 July 1763],
—— on the website [GRD] : (archived link)
1763, 22 July
“Text of the manifesto of Catherine II of 23 July 1763 " [English transl.],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 15-18 [lacking par. 9].
—— in [HeightM], pp. 1-4 [lacking par. 9].
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
1763, 22 July
“Settlers' privileges in the Manifesto of 22 July 1763,"
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1763, 22 July
“Major points of the Manifesto of 22 July 1763,”
—— in [Walters], pp. 41-42.
1763, 22 July
[Tutelkanzlei] – “Special chancery for the settlers' affairs created 22 July 1763,”
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1763, 25 July
“Manifesto of Catherine II, Facsimile of the English translation printed 25 July 1763, for distribution abroad, ” [Includes a list of available lands – that option was later changed so almost all had to settle in the Volga area.]
—— in [AHSGR-J], 3/3, 1980, pp. 47-53.
“Vorontzov’s Volga Paradise” [Broadsheet signed by Count Vorontzov, Russian Ambassador to The Hague, promoting Volga settlement],
—— in [HeightM], pp. 5-6.
[Facsimile of a German-language advertisement promoting emigration to Russia],
—— in [Walters], p. xiii.
“Treueid” [Loyalty oath to the Russian Crown, required of all colonists],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Characterization of the colonists” [by Christian Gottlieb Züge],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“First Impressions upon arriving at destination” [by Christian Gottlieb Züge],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1764, 19 March
“Kolonisationsgesetz,” [Colonial Law passed on 19 March 1764]
—— in [Hummel], pp. 19-20.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Contract between the recruiter, Chevalier de Canneau de Beauregard, and the Russian Government,”
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 19-20.
ca. 1764?
“Vertragsformular” [Colonist Contract of 1764? signed by Colonists with Catherine’s representative, Baron Canneau de Beauregard] ,
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1765, 23 August
Flugblatt, dass wahrscheinlich durch einen Werber in die Hände von Daniel Heymann geriet [Broadside, that likely came into the hands of Daniel Heymann from a recruiter],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1766, 21 April
[Facsimile of the emigration ban of the Bürgermeister and Council of Frankfurt am Main of 21 April 1766],
—— in [Walters], p. ix.
1766, 28 April
[Facsimile of emigration ban by Ludwig of Hesse],
—— in [StumppKE], p. 31.
—— in [Walters], p. 32.
1766, April/May
“Decree of the Chur-Rheinische Crayss banishing emigration, April 2 [sic, 21?], 1776” [published 27 May 1766],
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 29-30.
“Weitere Auswanderungsverbote” [Other immigration bans],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1766, 17 July
“Entlassung aus der landesherrlichen Untertanenschaft, 17 July 1766” [Dismissal as a royal subject, for the family of Daniel Heymann that was leaving for Russia],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1766, 26 July
“Vertrag zwischen dem Werber und Daniel Heymann,17 July 1766” [contract between the recruiter, Baron Caneau de Beauregard, and Daniel Heymann],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1766, 14 August
“Verpflichtung Daniel Heymanns, den Vertrag in allen Punkten einzuhalten, 14 August 1766” [promise of Daniel Heymann to adhere to the contract in all its points, Lübeck, 14 August 1766],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[German Poem by Bernhard Ludwig von Platen, describing his life as a Volga Settler (1766/67)],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[...........] – “Brief Biography of Bernhard Ludwig von Platen,”
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1768, 7 July
[Facsimile of the final ban on emigration of Emperor Joseph II],
—— in [Walters], p. 16.
1768, 11 August
“Decretum XX. of His Imperial Majesty [The Holy Roman Emperor], banning emigration, 11 Aug., 1768,”
—— in [StumppKE], p, 30.
“Self-government in the Colonial Statute of 1769," [Note the use of the terms “Sheriff” and “Deputies” rather than “Judge” and “Assistants”],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1770, 9 February
“Order issued to Hessian officials to adhere to the 11 Aug. 1768 ban on emigration,”
—— in [StumppKE], p. 30.
ca. 1781
“Ein Polnisch Lied” [text of a song of Württemberg immigrants going to Prussian Poland],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1782, 21 September
[Settlement Patent of Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II – English transl.],
—— in [Glückstal-2008], p. 27.
1786, 15 February
“Entlassung aus Der Leibeigenschaft (1786)” [Release from vassalage, by Joseph Maria Benedict, Imperial Prince of Fürstenberg, etc.],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“J. P. B. Weber's travel report regarding recruiting colonists,”
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Mennonite settlement” [Special Privileges],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1787, 29 December
“Recruitment of Mennonites,” [Flyer by Georg von Trappe],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
after 1789
“Erbschaft- und Waisenordnung der Chortitzaer Mennoniten” [Regulations Regarding Inheritance and Orphans of the Chortitz Mennonites – colonies established from 1789],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— 1800s ——
“Auszug aus der “Instruktion zur innereren Einrichtung: Verwaltung der Neurussischen Ausländischen Kolonien, 1800” [Extracts from the “Instructions Regarding Internal Organization: Administration of the New Russian Foreign Colonists,”1800],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1800, 6 September
"Gnadenbrief von Zar Paul I, and die Mennoniten" [Indulgence of Paul I for the Mennonites in 1800"],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1800, 6 September
“Rescript issued by Czar Paul I of 1800 [for Mennonite colonists],”
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 21-22 [translation of some parts, and summation of others].
“Extracts from the ‘Instruction on the Local Administration of New-Russian Foreign Colonies [1801],”
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 50-57.
1803, 24 July
“Letter of the Minister of the Interior” [Count W. Kotschubei, to S. A. Bekleschov, Military Governor of Cherson – Regarding the first transport of colonists sent by Recruiters Ziegler & Schurter],
—— in [HeightM], p. 7.
1803, August
“Prussian criteria for Recruitment of Colonists,”
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Auswanderungserlaubnis 1804: Manumissionsanträge badischer Untertanen” [Emigration Permits, 1804ff – (Many brief) Exit Requests of Baden subjects, listed by village],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Einwanderungszahlen” [Travel Permit / Visa of Admission form - Facsimile],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1804, 20 February
[The Manifesto of Alexander I, designed for recruitment of colonists to the Black Sea Area, consisted primarily of a proposal composed by Count Viktor Kotschubei, that he submitted to Alexander I. That proposal was endorsed by Alexander with the words “So be it!” Alexander? added the statement that all of the privileges of the 1763 Manifesto of Catherine II also applied. No complete text or translation appears to be available. The most complete appears to be that in [HeightM], pp. 8, 10-13. Other versions are known to exist, and all of them are listed below.]
—— in [HeightM], pp. 8, 10-13.
—— in [Keller] vol. 1, pp. 24-26, [an incomplete version of the preceding item].
—— in [Stach], pp. 22-2, [variant version in German].
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
1804, 23 February
“Richelieu’s Directive of Settlement,”
—— in [HeightM], p. 14.
1804, 20 March
“Prospectus of Privileges of the Colonists” [by Carl von Otto],
—— in [HeightH], p. 3.
—— in [HeightP], p. 3.
—— [in HeightM], p. 15.
1804, 20 March
“Privileges to those Colonists Who Settle in the Southern Provinces of the Imperial Empire, 20 March 1804" [by Carl von Otto],
—— in [Keller] vol. 1, p. 23.
1804, 20 April
“Kolonistenwerbung 1804, Landes-Beschreibung von Carl von Otto” [Colonist Recruitment: Description of the Land, by Carl von Otto, 20 April 1804],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Complaint of Colonists in Quarantine at Ovidiopol Regarding Deaths & Conditions, Dec. 1804 or Jan. 1805],
—— in [Keller], vol.1, pp. 27-28.
—— in [HeightH], p. 9.
—— in [HeightP], p. 9.
[Letter from Johann Adam Hieb to his brother--in-law, Georg Koch, in Selz, Alsace],
—— in [HeightH], p. 50.
—— in [HeightP], p. 32.
1808, 20 March
“Request for Testimonials of Character” [re: the legality of issuing them, from the Mayor of Selz],
—— in [HeightM] p. 16.
—— in [HeightP], p. 34.
1808, 7 May
[Description by Kleinliebental colonist, Anton Wolf, of his trip to Russia in 1804 and his situation in 1808 – in German],
—— on the website [GRD]:
—— in [HeightH], pp. 49-50, [English transl.].
—— in [HeightP], p. 32, [English transl.].
1808, 1 July
[Letter of Georg Laturnus to his parents in Oberseebach, Alsace],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 50-51.
—— in [HeightP], p. 152.
[re: Testimonials of Character],
—— in [HeightM] p. 16-17.
—— in [HeightP], p. 34.
1809, 20 January
[Letter by Kirschner sons of Kleinliebental to their father, Johannes Kirschner, of Selz, Alsace],
—— in [HeightH], p. 50.
—— in [HeightP], p. 33.
1809, 24 February
“A Russian Visa of Admission” [for Michael Schäfer],
—— in [HeightM], p. 17.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1809, 24 February
[Travel Permit of Klüpfel, 24 February 1809],
—— in [HeightH], p. 16.
—— in [HeightP], pp. 41-42.
1809, 20 March
“A Testimonial of Character” [for Mathias Hermes of Eschelbach],
—— in [HeightM], pp. 16-17.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1809, 12 June
[Letter from Anton Marius, a native of Weissenburg, Alsace, who had returned unsatisfied from Russia – published on 20 March 1810 in the Intelligenzblatt des Speyerer Bezirks],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 51-52.
—— in [HeightP], pp. 48-50.
1809, a. September
[Letter from Michael Höfer & Johann Losch, who returned unsatisfied from Kandel to Leimersheim, Rheinpfalz],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 53-55.
1810, 27 April
“Bericht an das Minist. v. 27.4.1810" [Report to the Ministry in Baden regarding the 1800-2000 individuals who had immigrated from Baden from Jan. 1808 through May 1809],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1812, 27 October
“Ausbruch der Pest, Okt. 1812” [Statement Regarding the Outbreak of the Plague, by the District Mayor of Kutschurgan, Oct. 1812],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1812, 27 October
Pestopfer” [Plague Victims, a Report by the District Mayor on the Plague in Baden, Kutschurgan]
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1812, 3 December
“Massnahmen Gegen die Pest” [Quarantine Measures Taken Against the Plague – Kutchurgan District Mayor, 3 December 1812],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Letters and Descriptions of Journeys” [including: Joh. Chr. Bidlingmaier from Oetlingen, Galatz, 18 July 1817; Johann Georg Höhn from Rosenfeld, Carlsthal, 20. April 1820; Ex. 2/3. d.Ven. 1821; & Friedrich Schwarz from Kupferzell, 26 June - 15 November 1817],
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 32-39.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 40-48.
—— in [HeightM], pp. 60-68.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
Fateful Danube Journey: A True Account of an Emigration to Russia, 1816-1817, Theodore C. Wenzlaff, ed. by Friedrich Fiechtner,
—— in [Fiechtner]
[Letter from a Swiss emigrant, J. B., who survived the “Fateful Danube Journey” and settled in Mariental, of the Liebental Colonies – describing conditions there],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 55-58.
—— in [HeightM], pp. 83-92.
—— in [HeightP], pp. 16-17.
“Gesetze oder Regel der sittlich-bürgerlichen Einrichtungen und der gottesdienstlichen Versammlung der Gemeine Hoffnungstal,” in the article “Hoffnungstal,” by Georg Leibbrandt,
—— in [Heimatbuch], 1956, pp. 39-42.
“Laws or Regulations for the moral and civil conduct and the religious services of the community of Hoffnungstal” [English translation],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 365-367.
1818, 24 August
“Binding Agreement [of the Kleinliebental Community to Build a Church], 24 August 1818,”
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 142-143.
[Teachers Contract of Adam Erk at Kleinliebental in 1819-1820],
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 152-153.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 253-254.
—— in [HeightP], p. 210.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Inventory] “List of Church Furnishings, Kleinliebenthal, 1820,”
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, p. 144.
1820, 21 April
[Order # 1396 of the Odessa Councillor of State, informing the Welfare Committee – Regarding Exact Instructions for Removal of Jesuits from Odessa and the Catholic Colonies],
—— in [Keller], Vol. 2, pp. 65-65.
“Auszug aus Alltagsleben” [Accounts from Daily Life: Police Reports],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1821, September
“Begebenheiten und Zustände aus der Vorzeit der Kolonie Marienthal am Baraboi” [Events and Conditions from the Early Years of the Colony of Marienthal, at Baraboi],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Berichte über Missernten” [Reports Regarding Crop Failures – including:
"Heimsuchung der neuen Ansiedler durch Heuschrecken. (1823)” [Tribulations of the new Colonists from Grasshoppers]
[From Grunau und die Mariupoler Kolonien:]
“Fernere Heimsuchung derselben durch Schnee – und Kälte. (1824/25)” [Additional Tribulations of the Same Because of Snow and Cold]
“Heimsuchung der Gemeine durch Theurung, Hungersnoth und Viehseuche. (1833)” [The plague, famine and livestock epidemic afflicting the community.]
[Tribulations of the Community from Famine, Hunger and Cattle Disease]
“Fortwährende Theurung und Hungersnoth. (1834)” [Continuing Famine and Hunger]
“Heimsuchung der Gemeinde Elisabethdorf durch Viehseuche. (1838)” [Tribulations of the Village of Elisabethdorf from Cattle Disease],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1828, 10 February
“Nachrichten über die Leistungen der deutschen Kolonisten in Südrußland in dem russisch-türkischen Kriege von 1828" [Information Regarding the Contributions from the German Colonists in South Russia during the Turkish War of 1828 – Resolutions of the Mayors drawn up at Kleinliebental],
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 99-101.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1829, 1 January
“Schulproject des Inspektors Platzer vom 1. January 1829" [School Project of the Inspector Platzer of 1 Jan. 1829 – Promoting the teaching of Russian in the schools; the proposal was rejected by the colonists],
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp 78-80.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 256-257.
—— in [HeightP], p. 212.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1832, 28 December
Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland,
“Beilagen zur Kirchen-Ordnung” [pp. 1-183].
[samples of forms for annual reports to the consistory, pp.184-256].
[Index, pp. 257-282].
—— in [GELKR]
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 38-204. [reprint]
1835, 22 June
“The Community of Kleinliebenthal Again Requested a Priest, 22 June 1835,”
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 134-136.
[Excerpts from] Reisen in Südrussland, Dresden: Arnoldischen Buchhandlung, 1841. – a 2-vol. publication of J. G. Kohl, describing his visit to the German Colonies of South Russia in 1838],
—— in [HeightH], pp. 117-132.
—— in [AHSGR-W], no.4, 1970, 44-56.
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
“Colonist Impact on the Russian Peasant” [from Kohl’s 1838 report],
—— in [HeightM], pp. 148-149.
“Versammlungen der Kirchenvormünder und Schullehrer beim Pastor (1841)” [Assemblies of the Church Trustees and School Teachers with the Pastor, 1841 – Grunau and the Mariupol Colonies ],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1841, 6 September
“Ordinance of the Minister of Imperial Domains – Count Kisselev in 1841 in Grossliebental,”
—— in [Keller], Vol. 1, pp. 58-59.
1841, 7 December
“Regeln für den Besuch der Dorfschulen und der Kinderlehre vom Jahre 1841" [Rules for Attendance in the Village Schools and for Instruction in 1841, from State Councillor von Hahn],
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 83-84.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 258-259.
—— in [HeightP], p. 214.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1842, 8 October
“Parochial Schein N. 114" [issued by Pastor Johannes Bonekemper for Ludwig Bette],[Facsimile of the document with original German and English translation],
—— in [Rath], pp. 395-398.
1842, 31 December
“Parochialschein N. 133" [issued by Pastor Johannes Bonekemper regarding the death of Anna Maria (Droheim) Bette of Johannestal – Transcription of the original German and translation],
—— in [Rath], pp. 394-35.
“Alters- und Waisenversorgung (1843)” [Provisions for the Aged and Orphans, 1843 – Statutes regarded Funds for aged Küster, Widows and Orphans],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1843, 16 July
“School Project of State Councillor von Hahn of July 16th, 1843” [regarding the training of teachers at a Central School in Cherson Province],
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 80-82.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 257-258.
—— in [HeightP], p. 213.
Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland [monthly newspaper pub. by Louis Nitzsche, Odessa], numerous extracts from this publication, plus additional commentary on the early lives of the colonists are found:
—— in [Stach], pp. 34-53.
Bonekemper, Johannes [Dairy entry of 1847 describing Religious Ferver],
—— in [Rath], pp. 31-32
[Song text from the Molotschna village secretary, Beck – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1947, issue # not identified],
—— in [Stach], p. 42-43.
[Extract regarding the Liebental District Colonists, from the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1948, issue 1],
—— in [Stach], pp. 38-39, & 44-45.
[Extract of a report regarding the Crimean Colony of Zürichtal, by Provost Küber – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1848, issue 3],
—— in [Stach], pp. 39-40, & 45.
1848 Chronicles, Gemeindeberichte [community reports], requested from all the Black Sea German Colonies by State Councilor E. von Hahn, President of the Welfare Committee for the German Colonists. His request went to all mayors and school teachers. The reports of 42 of the Lutheran Colonies were collected by the teacher, Peter Diehl. first director of the Central School at Grossliebental. He took them with him when he returned to Germany in 1874, and they were eventually published by Georg Leibbrandt in 1926. Translations of 16 are included in [HeightH], and many more have been translated and posted on [Odessa3] A more complete “Introduction” also appears there.
[Extract of a report from the Crimean Colony of Zürichtal – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1849, issue # not identified],
—— in [Stach], p. 45
[Extract of a report from the Molotschna District – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1849, issue # not identified],
—— in [Stach], pp. 45, 48-49.
1850, 21 September
“Anleitung für die Landwirtschaftlichen Vereine in den deutschen Kolonien Südrusslands” [Instructions for the Agricultural Associations in the German Colonies of South Russia – was established through Par. 46 for the Volga Colonies on 21 Sep. 1850, the entire document was in effect earlier in South Russia],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Extract from a report of the Hoffnungstal/Odessa mayor’s office regarding the Ishmail quarantine of the separatists in 1817, and their subsequent settlement in the South Caucasus area, from the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1851, issue 7],
—— in [Stach], pp. 40-41, & 45-46.
[Description of Immigration to Russia from 1764-1770, by Anton Schneider from Tonkoschurowka – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1852, issue. # not identified],
—— in [Stach], pp. 35-38.
Extract from a report by Karl Baisch, teacher at the Wernerschule, Sarata, Bessarabia, regarding the health problems of early colonists – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1952, no. 9],
—— in [Stach], p. 41 & 46.
[Extract from a report from the Volga Colonies – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1952, issue # not identified],
—— in [Stach], p. 44.
[Extract of a report from the Mariupol District – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1852, issue # not identified],
—— in [Stach], p. 46.
“Contributions of the German Colonists in South Russia during the Crimean War of 1853,”
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, pp. 101-103.
—— on the website: (archived link in German)
“Kolonistengesetze 1854 (Ausgabe von 1875),” [Colonist Statutes in 1854 (1875 edition)],
—— in [Hummel], pp. 157-253.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Extract of a report from the Mariupol District, regarding the Mennonite immigration of 1818-1822 – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1855, no. 1],
—— in [Stach], p. 41.
1856, November 1
“Allerhöchstes Belobigungsschreiben an die deutschen Kolonisten der Chortitzer, Mariupoler und Berdjaner Bezirke, St. Petersburg, Nov. 1856" [The Very Highest Written Commendation to the German Colonists of the Chortitza, Mariupol and Berdyansk Districts, Nov., 1856],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1856, November 2
“The Very Highest Written Commendation to the German Colonists of the Chortitza, Mariupol and Berdyansk Districts, Nov., 1856,"
—— in [Keller], vol. 1, p. 103.
[Extract of a report from Daniel Jülich (Jülch – originally from Neudorf, Glückstal District), village supervisor of the Jewish colonies of Gross Seidemenucha & Bobrowij-Kut, regarding the complications of the varying dialectic, religious and educational traditions of the original colonists in the Glückstal District, and the short tenure of the first pastor, Andreas Kruisberg – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1863, no. 2],
—— in [Stach], p. 42.
—— in [Glückstal-4], pp. 359-360. [English transl.]
Odessaer Zeitung [daily newspaper published by Louis Nitzsche, Odessa]
—— in [OdZe]
1864, January 1
“Semstvoreform von 1864,” [Semstvo reform of 1864]
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Regeln der gegenseitigen Versicherung der Gebäude in den Kolonien der ausländischen Ansiedler der Neurussischen Gouvernements und der Provinz Bessarabien gegen Feuersgefahr” [Regulations for the Joint Insurance of the Buildings in the Colonies of the Foreign Settlers of the New Russian Provinces and the Province of Bessarabia Against the Danger of Fire],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Verordnung über die Feuerwehr in den Kolonien der Gouvernements
Jekatherinoslaw, Chersson und der Krim und in der Provinz Bessarabien” [Rescript Regarding the Defence Against Fire in the Colonies of the Provinces of Ekaterinoslav, Cherson and Crimea, and the Province of Bessarabia],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Angleichungsgesetz und seine verändernden Bedingungen für die Russlanddeutschen, 4 June 1871” [The Assimilation Statute and the changed conditions of the Germans from Russia, 4 June 1871],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Amtssprache, 4 June 1871,” [Official Language, 4 June 1871],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Ablösesumme, 4 June 1871 [Fee for Withdrawal (from a landed community), 4 June 1871],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1872, 31 May
[Facsimile and transcription of the U.S. passport issued to Ludwig Bette (Beatty) on 31 May 1872],
—— in [Rath], pp. 58-59.
1872, Jun - August
[Translation of Russian language notations in the passport of Ludwig Bette (Beatty), 26 June 1872 - 11 August 1872],
—— in [Rath], p. 57
“Gesetz über die allgemeine Militärdienstpflicht von 1874” [Statute regarding universal military service of 1874],
—— on the website [GRD]:
1875, 14 May
“Militärdienst: Sondergesetzt für Mennoniten von 1875” [Military Service: Special Statute for Mennonites of 1875],
—— on website [GRD]:
Agende für die Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinden im Russischen Reiche [Agenda for the Evangelical Lutheran congregations in the Russian Empire],
—— in [AELGRR]
—— 1900s ——
“Agrarreform von 1906,” [Agrarian Reform of 1906],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Entwurf einer Kirchengemeinde- und Synodalordnung für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche Russlands (1907),”
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 205-222. [reprint]
1910, 30 September
“Die Feier des 100jährigen Bestehens der Beresaner Kolonien den 30. September 1910 in der Kolonie Landau” [The Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Beresan Colonies, at Landau on 30 Sep. 1910 – text of the telegram sent to the Czar via the Minister of the Interior],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— in [Keller] vol. 2, pp. 85-88, [a description of the celebration and the text of the telegram to the Czar].
1915, January - February
“Enteignungs und Liquidationsgesetz: Gesetze über die Ländereien der deutschen Kolonisten. Landbesitz feindlicher Ausländer und der Kolonisten.Verordnungen vom 2. Januar und 13. Februar 1915 mit Einführung und Erklärung der einzelnen Paragraphen (Abdruck aus "Landwirtschaftliche Nachrichten" Petrograd, Moika 32)” [Expropriation and Liquidation Regulations: Decrees Regarding the Landed Property of the German Colonists. Property of Hostile Foreigners and of the Colonists. Decrees of 2 January and 13 February 1915, with the Citation and Clarification of the Individual Paragraphs (Offprint from the Agricultural Reports) Petrograd, Moika 32],
—— in [Hummel] pp. 223-253.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1916, 18 March
“Mögliche Folgen der Liquidationsgesetze” [Possible Results of the Liquidation Regulations],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1918, 7 May
“Leitsätze für die Organisierung einer Föderation der Arbeiter- und Bauernräte der deutschen Kolonien im Wolgagebiet” [Primary Clauses for the Organization of a Federation of the Laborers and Farmer Assemblies of the German Colonies in the Volga Region],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1918, 29 May
“Allgemeines Statut des Kommissariats für deutsche Angelegenheiten” [General Statute of the Commissariat for German Affairs – Volga Republic],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1918, 26 July
“Sowjets der Gouvernements Saratow zur Vermeidung von eigenmächtigen Handlungen gegenüber den deutschen Kolonistenanordnung des Rates der Volkskommissare an die Deputierten” [Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars to the Deputy Soviet of the Province of Saratov for prevention of the despotic actions against the German colonists],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1918, 19 October
“Dekret des Rats der Volkskommissare über Bildung des Gebiets der Wolgadeutschen” [Decree of the Council of the People’s Commissars Regarding Formation of the Volga German Region],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Die Ernährung der landwirtschaftlichen Bevölkerung im Misserntegebiet (1920)” [The Feeding of the Agrarian Population in the Crop Failure Region (1920)],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Temporäre Bestimmungen über die Selbstverwaltung der evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden in Russland [Temporary Provisions on the Self-Government of the Evangelical Lutheran Congregations in Russia], (1920),”
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 223-230. [reprint]
1921, 21 March
“Gesetz über die Naturalsteuer” [Regulation Regarding the Payment of Taxes in Kind],
—— on the website: (archived link in German)
“Sterblichkeit der Bevölkerung in den Hungergebieten 1919/20-1921/22" [Mortality of the Population in the Famine Regions 1919/20 - 1921/22],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Die Hungersnot im Wolgagebiet” [The Famine in the Volga Region],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1922, 12 January
“Protokoll der Vernehmung des Leichenessers Muchin (1922)” [Testimony from the Investigation of the Cadaver Eater, P. K. Muchin],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1922, 15 January
“Meldung des Hunger-Uezdparteikkomitees der Stadt Pugačev” [Report of the Uyezd Party Famine Committee of the city of Pugačev (Samara)],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Verfassung der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Russland (1924),”
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 231-243. [reprint]
1924, 20 February
“Beschluss des Gesamtrussischen Zentralexekutivkommitees und des Rats der Volkskommissare über die Bildung der Autonomen Sozialstischen Sowjetrepublik der Wolgadeutshen” [Resolution of the Joint Russian Central Executive Committee of the Council of the People’s Commissars regarding the Formation of the Autonomous Socialist Soviet Republic of the Volga Germans],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1924, a. 20 February
Grabowsky, Adolf. “The German Republic on the Volga: A German Visitor’s View of the New Republic in 1924” [English transl.],
—— in [Walters], pp. 191-199.
“Einkommen und Steuerzahlungen pro Kopf (1925/1926)” [Income and Tax Payments per head],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1926, 8 September
“Instruktion über die Sowjetwahl – Auszüge aus der Verordnung des CIK der UdSSR vom 28.9.1926" [Regulations regarding the Soviet Election],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German
1928, 21 April
“Staatliche Massnahmen gegen ‘Kulaken’” [State Measures Taken Against “Kulaks”],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“The John Felchle Story – Originally published in the McClusky [ND] Gazette (1930),”
—— in [HeightM], pp. 269-274.
“Memorandum and Petition to the German Imperial Government” [Requesting re-settlement of German Colonists from Russia to Germany, with the assistance of funds raised in the U.S.],
—— in [Rath], pp. 399-401.
1933, 5 August
“Appeal For the Organization of a Central Committee of the German Russians in the United States” [for the purpose of resettling German Colonists from Russia to Germany],
—— in [Rath], pp. 401-402.
1936, 25 November
“Imperial and Foreign. The Volga Germans – An Unhappy Autonomy” [Published in the Times of London – from a correspondent],
—— in [Walters], pp. 244.
“Namensliste von 1937 bis 1938 in Odessa erschossenen Russlanddeutschen” [Name List of the German-Russians shot in Odessa from 1937 to1938],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1940, 18 December
“Hitler: Directive 21 - Operation Barbarossa” [Directive for the Russian Campaign],
—— in [Walters], pp. 277-281.
1941, 7 July
Buchsmann, Friedrich. [Description of a Volga collective farms (Kolchose),
—— in [Walters]. pp. 233-234.
1941, 6 August
Stumpp, Karl. [Diary Entry, about a Volga German who served in the Russian Army, and eventually surrendered to the German Army in Ukraine],
—— in [Walters], p. 247
1941, 28 August
Stalin, Josef. “Ukase calling for the deportation of the Volga Germans,” [Russian, published version],
—— in [Walters], p. 204.
1941, 28 August
“Deportation: Erlaß des Präsidiums des Obersten Sowjets der UdSSR vom 28. August 1941 – Über die Umsiedlung der Deutschen, die in den Volga-Rayons leben" [Deportation: Order of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR or 28 August 1941 – Regarding the Resettlement of the Germans who Live in the Volga Rayon],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
“Report of the [4 week] Visit of Father Nikolaus Pieger to villages in the Kutschurgan, Beresan & Liebental districts,”
—— in [HeightP}, pp. 371-374.
[Documents regarding the Trudarmee (People’s Army – Stalin’s Slave Labor Camps), are listed under Item 42]
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1944, 7 January
“Deportation – Repartierung; Schreiben des Volkskommissars für Innere Angelegenheiten der UdSSR, L. Berija, an den Volkskommissar des Innern der Ukrainischen SSR, V. Rjasnoj, bezüglich der Verschickung der »Volksdeutschen« in die Sondersiedlung (7. Januar 1944)” [Deportation – Distribution: Letter of the People’s Commissar for Interior Affairs of the USSR, L. Beria, to the People’s Commissar for the Interior of the Ukraine SSR, V. Rjasnoj, respecting the German People in the Special Settlements (7 January 1944)],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1944, 12 March - 1945, January
“Eyewitness report on the Trek from Hoffnungsfeld to Poland in 1944, by Johannes Lutz,”
—— in [HeightH], pp. 406-413;
—— in [HeightM], pp. 151-158.
1944, 12 March - 1945, 19 February
“Our Return to German” – Diary of the Hoffnungstal Trek, by Gertrud (Schlacht) Pettereins, transl. by Armand Bauer,
—— in [GRHS-HR] 26/4, 1996, pp. 4-18.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 465, 468-488.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Russia After 1917/Weston.Adeline. [digital photos from Adeline Weston]
1944, 12 March - 1944, 26 June
“Our Return to Germany: Diary of Gertrud (Schlaht) Peterreins [a variant version], transl. by Elli Wise,
—— on the website [Odessa3]: [English transl.]
—— on the website [Odessa3]: [German.]
[Documents regarding Sondersiedlung (the Special Settlement of People), are listed under Item 43],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1964, 29 August
“Korrektur des Erlasses vom 28. August 1941 (1964)” [Correction of the (Deportation) Order of 28 August 1941 – of the Volga Germans],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
1972, 3 November
“Erlass über die Aufhebung der Einschränkungen in der Wahl des Wohnsitzes (1972)” [Order Regarding the Suspension of the Limitation regarding the Selection of Place of Residence – of 13 December 1955, for Germans],
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
a. 1977
“Reminiscences of my life in the Soviet Union, Germany, and Western Canada” by Magdalena (Zeiler) Volk,
—— in [HeightM], pp. 167-182.
By Homer Rudolf, 2009
Edited and updated by Sandy Schilling Payne, 2022
[AELGRR] – Agende für die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden im russischen Reiche [Agenda for the Evangelical Lutheran congregations in the Russian Empire]. St. Petersburg: R. Golicke, 1897. Digitized version.
[AHSGR-J] – Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, AHSGR, [1978 to the present].
[AHSGR-W] – American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Work Papers, AHSGR, [1969-1977].
[Brandes] – Brandes, Detlef, and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen [Bibliography on the History and Culture of the Russian Germans], München: Oldenbourg, 1999. [Updated from 1994 edition and continuation in the periodical: Forschung zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen under the title: “Laufende Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen,” vol. 5, 1995, pp. 187-199.]
[Fiechtner] – Flechtner, Friedrich, and Theodore C. Wenzlaff. Fateful Danube journey: a true account of an emigration to Russia 1816-1817. Bismarck, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Society. 1981.
[GELKR] – Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland [Law for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. [St. Petersburg ?], 1832. Digitized version, 1857 edition.
[Glückstal-2004] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia and North America: A Bicentennial Collection of History, Genealogy and Folklore. Pierre, SD: State Pub. & Printing, 2004.
[Glückstal-2008] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia, the Soviet Union, and North America. Fargo, ND: Richtman's Printing, 2008.
[GRD] – “Geschichte Der Russland Deutschen” [History of the Russian Germans]. Website. n.d. [This website was heavily referenced when the source bibliographies on the GCRA website were composed. It was used for classes in German secondary schools. It has since removed or moved most of its content. Archived links from the early 2000s are noted where they are available.]
[GRHC] - Germans from Russia Heritage Collection,
[GRHS-HR] – Heritage Review [Journal of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], GRHS, [1973 to the present].
[HeightH] – Height, Joseph S. Homesteaders on the Steppe: Cultural History of the Evangelical- Lutheran Colonies in the Region of Odessa, 1804-1945. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1975.
[HeightM] – Height, Joseph S. Memories of the Black Sea Germans: Highlights of Their History and Heritage. Associated German-Russian Sponsors, 1979.
[HeightP] – Height, Joseph S. Paradise on the Steppe: A Cultural History of the Kutschurgan, Beresan, and Liebental Colonists: 1804-1972. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1973.
[Heimatbuch] – Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland, 19.. [Homeland Book of the Germans from Russia, 19..] Stuttgart, Landmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, [1954 to the present].
[Hummel] – Hummel, Theodor. 100 Jahre Erbhofrecht der detuschen Kolonisten in Russland. [100 Years of Laws of Inheritance of the German Colonists in Russia.] Berlin; Reichsnrährstand Verlags-Ges. m. b.h., [1936].
[Keller] – Keller, Konrad. German Colonies in South Russia: 1804-1904, 2d ed. translated by Anton Becker, 2d. ed, with some revisions by Adam Giesinger, 2 vols . Lincoln: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia: 1980-1983. [NOTE: 1st ed: 1968-1973.] Digitized version.
[Mack] – Mack, Eduard. Zwischen Moldau und Ukraine: Erinnerungen an die deutschen Kolonien im Glückstaler Gebiet. [Between Moldova and Ukraine: Memories of the German Colonies in the Glückstal Region.] Ravensburg: Hanf Buch- und Mediendruck, 2005.
[Miller] – North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies and Michael M. Miller, Researching the Germans from Russia: annotated bibliography of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Library ; with a listing of the library materials at the Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Fargo, N.D., USA: The Institute. 1987.
[MRDK] – Museum für RusslandDeutsch Kulturgeschichte [Museum for Russian-German Cultural History],
[Odessa3] – “Odessa: A German-Russian Genealogical Library.” Website. n.d.
[OdZe] – Odessaer Zeitung. Odessa: L Nitche. 1861-1918.
[Rath] – Rath, George. The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1991.
[Rubarth-Lay] – James Rubarth-Lay. "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812." Staff website, The University of Texas at Austin. (archived link)
[Schmaltz] – Schmaltz, Eric J. An expanded bibliography and reference guide for the former Soviet Union's ethnic Germans: issues of ethnic autonomy, group repression, cultural assimilation, and mass emigration in the twentieth century and beyond. Fargo, N.D.: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2003.
[Stach] – Stach, Jakob. Die deutschen Kolonien in Südrussland: Kulturgeschichtliche Studien und Bilder über das erste Jahrhundert ihres Bestehens. I. Teil. [The German colonies in southern Russia: cultural-historical studies and images of the first century of their existence. Part 1.] Prishib: Gottlieb Schaad, 1904.
[StumppB] – Stumpp, Karl. Das Schrifttum über das Deutschtum in Rußland: e. Bibliographie. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft d. Deutschen aus Rußland e.V. 1980.
[StumppKE] – Stumpp, Karl. Emigration From Germany to Russia in the Years 1763-1862. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1982. Digitized version.
[Stupperich] – Stupperich, Robert. Kirchenordnungen der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Russland [Church Orders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. Ulm/Donau: "Unser Weg" Verlag. 1959.
[Walters] – Walters, George J. Wir Wollen Deutsche Bleiben: The Story of the Volga Germans, [ed. by Christopher D. Walters; updated by Charles Walters]. Kansas City, MO: Halcyon House Pub., 1993.
Page last updated 7 March 2022