Research Source Guide: Glückstal Colonies
The following is a list of Glückstal Colonies related bibliographies, timelines and important documents in chronological order from 1762-1977. The sources cited with the notation "—— in [...]" are listed in alphabetical order in the bibliography at the end of this page.
This list was created in 2009, and some of the website URLs have changed or are now non-existent. While editing and updating this list, archived links in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine were used to allow you to see the snapshots of the "historical" links rather than just leaving the dead link text. Those URLs are noted with (archived link) next to to the original link. Archived links are in the English language unless otherwise stated. It should be noted that Wayback Machine snapshots captured text reliably, but it didn't always capture all of the images or externally linked files (PDFs, etc.) on a webpage. If an archived link has no useful information, (dead link) is noted next to it. You may be able to find the information elsewhere.
Germans from Russia Bibliographies
Brandes, Detlef, and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen,
—— in [Brandes].
Miller, Michael M., Researching the Germans from Russia: annotated bibliography of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Library ; with a listing of the library materials at the Germans from Russia Heritage Society.
—— in [Miller].
Schmaltz, Eric J., comp. An Expanded Bibliography and Reference Guide for the Former Soviet Union’s Ethnic Germans,
—— in [Schmaltz].
Stumpp, Karl. Das Schriftum über das Deutschtum in Russland. Eine Bibliographie,
—— in [StumppB].
"...List of books and publications on the history and culture of the Germans from Russia,"
—— on the website [MRDK]:
Time Lines
“Russian History Chronology [ca. 550 - 1977],”
—— on the website [Odessa3]:
“Chronology of the Black Sea Region [850 BC - 1995],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
“Chronology on the History of the Germans from Russia in the Former Soviet Union [1549-1885],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
“Russian Time Line [1685-1979],”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 3-13.
Schwabauer, Constantin. “Wichtige Daten aus dem Leben der Deutschen in Russland [1762 - 1945],”
—— in [Heimatbuch],1956, p. 48.
“Important Dates in the History of the German Colonists in Russia [1762-1970],”
—— in [AHSGR-W] no. 5, 1971, pp. 47-50.
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1762-1974],”
—— on the website [GRHC]: (archived link)
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1801-1974],”
—— in [HeightH], p. 233.
“Calendar of Events in the Life of the German Colonists [1801-1977],”
—— in [HeightP], pp. 117-118.
“Colonist Calendar of Major Events [1801-1977],”
—— in [HeightM], pp. 102-104.
“American Time Line [1803-1945],”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 393-396.
“Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia, 1812 – Timetable of Events,”
—— on the website [Rubarth-Lay]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[Bergdorf, 1810-1855 - German],
—— in [Mack], p. 97
[Friedenstal, Glückstal Daughter Colony, 1896-1945 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 134.
[Glückstal, 1804-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 62
[Kassel, 1810-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 112.
[Neudorf, 1809-1855 - German]
—— in [Mack], p. 79.
Glückstal Colonies Data
While older versions of these sources appear in previous GCRA publications, we recommend using the latest versions for your research.
GEDCOM Master File, a compilation based upon contributions by Glückstal descendants,
—— on [Glückstal-2004] CD Disc 1 /GEDCOM, [2004 version].
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /GEDCOM, [2008 version].
MVD Extractions, [translation of documents, no images],
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Data Drive /PDFs_MV_Section/*
[Naturalization Records of the German SS: Einwandererzenstralstelle (EWZ) – Introduction to the records],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 495-500.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /EWZTablesPDF, [extractions - pdf files]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /EWZTablesTAB, [extractions - text documents (they open with WordPad)]
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Databases/EWZViewer, [extractions - text files, a more easily searchable version]
Passports of colonists entering Russia in 1808-1809, [index, images and translations],
—— on [Glückstal-2015], item no longer available. Replaced with [Glückstal-2021].
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Data Drive /PDFs/Passportindex and PassportIndexBW; /Images/Other Passports [all of the raw images] and Selected Passports
Points of Origin [extracted from various sources,]
“2004 Alphabetical List of Glückstal Colonies Inhabitants (By Alphabetical Surname Sequence),”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 18-37
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Points of Origin, [complete 2004 Points of Origin file].
“2008 Alphabetical List of Glückstal Colonies Inhabitants (By Alphabetical Surname Sequence),”
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 207-300.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/PoO, [complete 2008 Points of Origin file].
“2015 Alphabetical List of Glückstal Colonies Inhabitants (By Alphabetical Surname Sequence),”
—— on [Glückstal-2015], item no longer available. Replaced with [Glückstal-2021].
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /PDFs/PoO [complete 2015 Points of Origin file]
“2021 Alphabetical List of Glückstal Colonies Inhabitants (By Alphabetical Surname Sequence),”
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Data Drive /PDFs/G500_Glueckstal_Surname_File_P-o-O–Rev_after_Jul2020 [complete 2021 Points of Origin file]
Ship Passenger List extractions re: Glückstalers who came to North America.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Ship Records, [Extractions to 2004].
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD / Documents /ShipReadMe and /Ship/*, [Additional extractions to 2008].
“The Great Terror in Odessa Province, 1937-1938,” – extracted from: [arrest records extracted from various KGB case files abstracted from the archives of the Ukrainian Security Service, Neues Leben (?), [Martyr], purchased lists of those repressed, and [BoschT].
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 409-452.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Terror [inventories of the case files discussed in the article above]
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category1-arrest date.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category 1-Surname.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category2-arrest date.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category2-Surname.
Photos and Family Documents
Photos and family documents were contributed by descendants of the Glückstal Colonies and others,
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Photos People
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Church & Civil Vital Records
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Churches
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Churches / ChurchesSR
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Farming SR
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Farming US
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Farms & Homes
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Homestead-Citizenship Documents
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Military
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Photos Ukraine-Moldova
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Photos Ukraine-Moldava/Miller, Harley
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Photos Ukraine-Moldava/Miller, Michael
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Postcards-Odessa
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Postcards-Stabler
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia After1917
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia After 1917/Kassel Annahme [4 images]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia After 1917/GluckstalColPics
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia After 1917/South Russia.2001.3 – [photos by Michael M. Miller]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia After 1917/Weston.Adeline – [1944 Hoffnungstal Trek]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia-Miscellaneous
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia-Miscellaneous/Eigene Bilder – [photos courtesy of Gerhard Walter]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia-Miscellaneous/Lemberg Massacre
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russia-Miscellaneous/Volk a d Weg
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Russian Currency
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Russian Seals – [digital copies of Seals and Stamps on Russian Documents]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Schools
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Towns
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Travel – [Travel Documents and Advertising]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 /Women’s Handwork & Clothing
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Images/Documents/*
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Images/People/*
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Images/Places/*
Historic Documents
Historic documents related to the Glückstal Colonies are listed here chronologically. This is a list of sources where you will find complete original texts, extracts, translations, and and/or commentary.
—— 1700s ——
[Passports of Glückstalers, extracted from [StumppKE], pp. 973-1014],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 39-47.
"Which Way Did They Go?" [re: Glückstalers, born & died from 1782-1914, who moved to Chabag, Bessarabia],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 8/2, 1995, p. [5].
—— 1800s ——
1803, June 25
[Letter from Konrad Seefried, of Königsbach near Lodz, Poland/South Prussia, to his brother Friedrich Seefried of Königsbach, Kraichgau, Baden],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 169-175.
1804, July 12
“Report on 1804 Arrivals,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 1-220-13,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 217-222.
“Place of Origin and Name List,”
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], Appendix B1-B13.
“Markgröningen Amt Emigrants, 1804-1805,”
—— in [FHL] microfilm #550796.
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 81-86.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/ EmigrationstoNR. [addendum file]
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 17/2, 2004, pp. 51-58.
[Letter from Johann Adam Hieb to his brother-in-law, Georg Koch, in Selz, Alsace],
—— in [HeightH], p. 50.
—— in [HeightP], p. 32.
"Colonists to South Russia 1808 Entrance Certificates,"
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 25/2, 2012, pp. 43-54.
“Parsonages and Church Facilities in the Glückstal Mother Colonies and Hoffnungstal” [extracted from various sources],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 360-361.
“Names and Populations of Glückstal-Bergdorf-Kassel-Neudorf Parishes/Wolosts (Districts) Combined,”
Section 1. – [Source:] G. Leibbrandt’s Sammlung (Collections) [exact volume not identified],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 2/1, 1989, pp. 7-8.
Lang & Adelmann, 1810-1814 [re: retrieval of passports] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-16,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 13-14.
“Ministers [in the Glückstal Colonies and Hoffnungstal] and the Universities at which they received their theological training” [extracted from various sources],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 363.
“Glückstal Colonies and Hoffnungstal Ministers – Alphabetical List,” from [Schnurr], pp. 120ff,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 374-375.
1812, January
[Glückstal Colonies births, deaths & orphan transfers] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-626,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 29-30.
[re: debts of Andreas Kruisberg, Pastor at Glückstal] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-960
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 19/1, 2006, pp. 27-31.
“Model Farmers, Master Shepherds, Craftsmen and Secretaries from the Glückstal Colonies,” based upon information extracted from FHL St. Petersburg Lutheran Consistory records – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Files 252-1-877, 6-2-13138 and 6-4-23949; and other sources,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 149-199.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/ModelFarmers. [addendum file]
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Extractions. [transl. extractions from identified FHL films of 1833-1885 St. Petersburg Lutheran Consistory records]
Revision Lists:
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 658-662.
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Data/PDFs/1816_Bergdorf
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Images/1816 Berg RL
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 669-678.
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Data/PDFs/1816_Glueckstal
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Images/1816 Glk RL
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 685-690.
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Data/PDFs/1816_Kassel
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Images/1816 Kassel RL
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 699-705.
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Data/PDFs/1816_Neudorf
—— on [Glückstal-2021], Flash Drive /Images/1816 Neudorf RL
—— n/a [the village was not yet established].
“[Liebental District 1816 Marriages to Glückstalers] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-7],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, pp. 44-45.
“About Marriages and the Transfer of Colonists’ Property in the Liebental District” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Files 252-1-7, and 252-1-46,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 173-174, 176-190.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/SAOR-Selected. [addendum of transcriptions and translations of original documents, and commentary]
“Marbach Emigrations, 1816-1832” extracted from [FHL] Microfilm #838261.
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 87-106.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/EmigrationstoNR. [addendum file of German transcriptions of files, English translations, and commentary]
Name Table of the Economic Establishments in the Glückstal Colony For the Year 1818] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 6-1-1239, pp. 1, 14.5, 15, 15.5, 16, 18.5, 19 Part I of IV, by James D. Klein
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 9/2, 1996, Supplement pp. [29-34]
1818, November 1
Glückstal Revision List – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-1239,
—— in [Glückstal-Births-Marriages], Appendix B1-B12.
Brauche information published in the U.S.,
—— in [Hohman].
Schmid [Georg, 1819] Passport – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 252-1-243,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 53. [translation]
[Hering/Goehring brothers request to be settled, and for their parents to be allowed to immigrate] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 242-1-236],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 11-12.
1820, May 24
“About Locating Prisoners of War Taken in 1812 Who Entered Into Colonist Status,” [NOTE: no Glückstalers are listed] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-1026, Report No. 421,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], p. 172, 196.
1820, November 16
[Commentary on the new colonists list] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-1372,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 6-7.
1820, November 16 - 1821
“Colonists Arriving in the Glückstal District,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-1372,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/1. 1998, pp. 2-4.
“Glückstal Colonies Settlers Who Grew Crops,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-314,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/2, 2001, pp. 39-44.
Crop Report – Transl. – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-314,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 223-233.
[Requests for internal passports allowing relocation, often to pursue a trade] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-303,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 9-11.
1821, August 15
[Glückstal Colonies Voter Lists – Transl.] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-6-23294,,
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], Appendix D1 -D8.
“Glückstal District Population Changes [Transl.]” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-470,
—— in [Glückstal-Births-Marriages], Appendix C1-C6.
[Mateas Rapp 1-year Passport for travel to Wilhauwen of Finn Oberamt, Württemberg, to obtain his hereditary property],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 43.
1822, March 11 - August 19
[Mergel/Merkel Siblings Declarations re: their parentage] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 252-1-461,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, pp. 52-53.
1822, May 18
[Jakob & Dorothea Miller (siblings), passport allowing them to settle in Neudorf] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 252-1-462,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 53.
1823, March 8
Lost or Strayed Livestock, 8 March 1823, [Transl. – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-376],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/1, 1999, pp. 2-4.
[Glückstal Colonies Statistical Reports], extracted from [Rempel],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 235-244.
“Glückstal District 1825 Report Showing Number of Livestock, Farm Equipment and Trees,” extracted from [Rempel],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 589-590.
1825, September 26
Friedrich & Regina Breyer, New Immigrants to Bergdorf, – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-527,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 19/1, 2006, p. 34.
“Glückstal District Property Transfers [Transl.] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 252-1-616,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/1. 1998, pp. 4-5.
1826, February 1
[Friedrichstal community document accepting the transfer of the colonists Johannes & Georg Beier from Glückstal] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-256a],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 19/2, 2006, p. 54.
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 20/1, 2007, p. 31, [corrections to File 252-1-256a].
1826, June
[Glückstal Colonies Births, Transl.] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-559,
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], Appendix C1.
Hauser of Neudorf [re: Passport for travel to Odessa by Christian Hauser family of Bergdorf], – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-694,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 51.
1827, 12 February
Registry of the number of those families and households in the course of the year 1826, to be sent to the Odessa Office of Guardianship of Foreigners. Completed 12 February 1827 – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 252-1-616,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/1, 1997, pp. 14.5 & 15 and Supplement pp. [33-34]
1827, February 19 - March 3
[Land transfer in Kassel, from widow Margaretha Catharina Vogel to Glückstal colonist Carl Wanner] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-608,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 28-29.
1827, March 11 - 1828, May 7]
[The resettlement of Johann Feigert of Tarutino to join his brothers in Neudorf Colony], State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-643,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/1, 1997, pp. 2-3.
1827, May
“Glückstal Colonies Petition, May 1827” [re: payments to the crown and repayment by the Kutschurgan District of a loan] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-666,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 245-250.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Dics 1 /Signatures-Petition. [digital copies of the signatures]
Glückstal District Name List – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-666,
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Miscellaneous PDFs/NameList1828.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc1 /Miscellaneous PDFs/Bergdorf1828Supplement. [file of Bergdorf names]
[Neudorf, re: repayment of a loan] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-726,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, pp. 43-44.
1828, May 25
Brechenmacher, Meske & Fink [re: lost passport allowing travel to Chishinau], – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-2317,
—— in Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, p. 18.
“Documents Concerning the Receipt of Various Fees for 1829,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-723,
—— in [Glückstal-2008] p. 175, 190-192.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/SAOR-Selected. [addendum of transcriptions and translations of the original documents, and commentary]
1829, September 25
“Tragedy in Glückstal” [re: Five people struck by lightning] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-712,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 17/1, 2004, pp. 25-26.
Additional Data [passports & marriages – contained in various files of the State Archives of the Odessa Region],
—— in [Newsletter] vol. 12/1, 1999, pp. 15-16.
[Kassel Flood Damage] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File ?? [# not given] ,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/2, 1998, pp. 38-39.
[Seihzehr-Hirning-Spitznagel re: payments of money] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-730, No. 246,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 42.
1830, April
[Military use of Neudorf wagons] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-751],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, p. 29.
1830, December 5
“Kassel Annahme,” [acceptance of the families of Johann Baltas Liedle & Georg Hironimus Müller into the village – File not identified],
—— in [GRHS-HR], 5, 1976, p. 19. [translation]
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 251-254. [translation]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 2 / Russia after 1917 / Kassel Annahme. [digital copies, 4 images]
1830, December 5
[Comparison of Data re: signers of the 1830 Kassel Annahme with the information in the 1816 & 1858 Revision Lists],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/2,1997, pp. 48-51.
[Haas, Jutzy, Ott & Getz, re: payment of legal fees] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-1016,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, p. 12.
[Births to Glückstalers in Lustdorf] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 630-1-1:1811-1867,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/2, 2001, pp. 59-60.
Glückstal People in the Lustdorf Records [sources and dates not identified],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 16/1, 2003, p. 22.
“Passports Issued in Odessa, 1831" – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-905,
—— in [GRHS-HR], 36/2, 2006, pp. 38-48.
[Passports Granted in Odessa, 1831] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-897,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 20/1, 2007, pp. 3-10.
“About Putting Colonists Children into Apprenticeship Training and Certification of Contracts Made on this Subject,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-917,
—— in [Glückstal-2008] p. 175, 194-196.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/SAOR-Selected. [addendum of transcriptions and translations of original documents, and commentary]
1831, October 28
Journeyman Report” [extracted and translated from] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-917,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/2, 1998, p. 39.
About Finding Willfully Absent Colonists from Odessa Area Settlements,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-877,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], p. 175, 192-194.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/SAOR-Selected. [addendum of transcriptions and translations of original documents, and commentary]
“Brackenheim Emigrations, 1832,” in [FHL] microfilm #560446? of Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg files,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 106-109.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/EmigrationstoSR. [addendum of transcriptions and translations of original documents and commentary]
Hoffnungstal Marriage Contracts involving a Glückstal Colonies Partner – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 74-1-16 (1832); & Fond 74-1-164 (1857-1863) – Addendum, by James D. Klein
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 16/2, 2003, Supplement pp. [57-66]
1832, 28 December
Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland, “Beilagen zur Kirchen-Ordnung," [samples of forms for annual reports to the consistory, and [Index].
—— in [GELKR] pp. 1-183, 184-256 and 257-282.
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 38-204. [Reprint, “Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland (1832).”]
Some Glückstal Colonists Found in Parish Records Other Than Glückstal – extracted from identified [FHL] microfilms,
—— in [Newsletter], vol 9/1, 1996, p. 17.
Meier/Mayer in Brienne, Bessarabia [from the Brienne, 1834 & 1841-1869 Family Books],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 30-31.
[Selected Birth, Marriage and Death Data from Glückstal Colonies St. Petersburg Records],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 7/2, 1994, pp. [24-32].
[Glückstal Colonies Death Statistics – extracted from the St. Petersburg Consistory Church Records],
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], Appendix E1-E3.
“Children’s Deaths, 1833-1900” [table],
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], p, E-2.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 619.
“Teenage and Adult Deaths, 1833-1900” [table],
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths], p. E-3.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 619.
Glückstal Colonies Birth and Marriages – extracted from the St. Petersburg Consistory Church Records,
—— in [Glückstal-Births-Marriages].
Glückstal Colonies Deaths – extracted from the St. Petersburg Consistory Church Records],
—— in [Glückstal-Deaths].
Glückstal People [births & marriages] in Bessarabia – extracted from FHL microfilm #1768315],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 16/1, 2003, pp. 6-7.
[Marriage Records of Arzis, Bessarabia, that include Glückstalers],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/1, 1997, pp. 27-29.
1835, 28 May
[Inheritances from Germany of Christian Friedrich Huber (of Glückstal) and Jakob Kurle (of Bergdorf)]– State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-3748,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 255-256.
[Village, school and teacher statistics, Glückstal Colonies] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-4450],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/1, 2002, pp. 3-5.
[The number of farms and farmers in the Glückstal District] – extracted from [Rempel],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 590.
State Archives of Odessa Region, File 6-1-5986, 1838-1839 [re: Glückstal Village mayoral election],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 19/1, 2006, p. 32.
“Relocation Records of the Village of Kassel 1839-1854,”
—— in [GRHS-HR], 28/4, Dec. 1998, 18-38.
[Records re: the fire in the Kassel tree grove in June 1840],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/2, 2002, p. 41.
Glückstal-Brienne Relationship [extracted from the Brienne Family Book, 1841-1860],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 17-19.
Glückstal Colonists [death & marriage records] in the St. Petersburg Records,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/1, 1997, pp. 21-22.
[Documents re: the Württemberg inheritance of the heirs of deceased Glückstaler Georg Gohl] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-5842,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 19-20.
“About Resettlement of Glückstal District Colonists from Alt-Kassel to Neu-Kassel, 1842" – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-6801a,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/1, 2002, pp. 6-7.
Movement of [Glückstal District] Colonists to other colonies – State Archives of the
Odessa Region, File 6-1-7898,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/1, 2002, pp. 9-11.
"Bergdorf Dwellings in Disrepair, 1846" – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-1-8934,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/2, 2001, pp. 54-55.
Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland [monthly newspaper pub. by Louis Nitzsche, Odessa] – numerous extracts from this publication, plus additional commentary on the early lives of the colonists are found:
—— in [Stach], pp. 34-53.
1847, 14 March
“The Resettlement of Kassel Colonist Heinrich Ehly” – Odessa Oblast Archives, Document 3, Record Group 6, Inventory 2, No. 9411,
—— in [AHSGR-J] 19/4, 1996, pp. 35-37.
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 113-116.
“In The Service of the Russian Nobility [Princess Vorontsova]: 1848 Passport for Louisa Zenk [Senk], Neudorf Colonist Wife” [also of her husband Georg Senk & of Maria (Mössner) Lang] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-2-11397 & File 6-2-10959,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 18/1, 2005, pp. 6-11.
1848 Chronicles: original German versions published by [Leibbrandt]
[Introductory, historical information on the 1848 chronicles]
—— in [HeightH], pp. 148-149.
—— in [Leibbrandt], pp. 65-67.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 199-201.
—— on the website [Odessa3],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 95-96.
—— in [Leibbrandt], pp. 52-60.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 186-192.
—— on the website [Odessa3],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 60-64.
—— in [Leibbrandt], pp. 114-119.
—— in [HeightH], pp. 201-205.
—— on the website [Odessa3],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 117-120.
—— in [Leibbrandt], pp. 68-71.
—— in [HeightH], pp, 196-199.
—— in [GRHS-WP], no. 3, pp. 6-8.
—— on the website [Odessa3],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 106-108.
—— in [Leibbrandt], pp. 61-65.
—— in [HeightH], pp, 193-196.
—— on the website [Odessa3],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 83-85.
1849, February
“Distribution of Martin Weisser (of Neudorf) Estate,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-3-9374,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 257-264.
1851, 8 October - 1852, 30 October
“Report on Persons Living Outside Their Colony” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-2-14148,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 315-334.
[Glückstalers] Movement Among the Colonies, 1851-1852] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-2-14148,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, pp. 11-13.
[Glückstaler] Movements or Transfers Between Colonies, 1851-1852] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-2-14148,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 17/1, 2004, pp. 26-41.
Documents of the Odessa Kontor from the Year 1852 [Individuals Living Outside of the Glückstal Colonies] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-3-15751,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 20/1, 2007, pp. 20-30.
Glückstal Colonists [in 1852: Christopher Götz transfer to Hoffnungstal; & Friedrich Gaub family return to Württemberg] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 6, File 6-3-14982,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/1, 1997, pp. 1-2.
Glückstal District Report [re: Christoph Arndt, of Glückstal, Jacob Wiederrich & Joseph Gohl of Neudorf] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 252-1-877,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, p. 42.
Hoffnungstal Revision List – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 74, Inventory 1, File 151.
—— in [BlackSea], pp. 143-149.
Gesetze für die deutschen Kolonisten in Russland, Ausgabe 1875 [Statutes for the German Colonists in Russia – the 1875 edition of a cumulation of 1854, that was previously published in 1857],
—— in [Hummel], pp. 157-222.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
Marriages [of Glückstalers? in] Odessa City – extracted from [FHS] Microfilm # 1884103, Item 2,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, pp. 61-62.
—— on the website [FHL]: FHL #1884103
Hoffnungstal Marriage Contracts involving a Glückstal Colonies Partner – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 74-1-16 (1832); & Fond 74-1-164 (1857-1863) – Addendum, by James D. Klein
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 16/2, 2003, Supplement pp. [57-66]
Revision Lists:
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 662-669.
—— in [Glückstal-1858].
—— in [Glückstal-1858b].
—— in [BlackSea], pp. 85-97. [corrected version]
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 678-684.
—— in [Hoffnungstal-1858].
—— in [BlackSea], pp. 150-156. [corrected version]
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 690-698.
—— in [Kassel-1858].
—— in [BlackSea]. pp. 185-194. [corrected version]
—— in [StumppKE], pp. 705-714.
—— in [Neudorf-1858].
—— in [BlackSea], pp. 298-307. [corrected version]
List of Names About all the colonists of the Glückstal Region who have their residence outside the colonies for the year 1859 – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 6-4-23949, pp. 148.5, 152.5. 153 – Part III of IV, by James D. Klein,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 10/2,1997, Supplement pp. [63-67]
1860, 9 January - 1861, 2 January
“Report on Persons Living Outside Their Colony,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-4-23949,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 315, 335-356.
“Neudorf Reformed Birth/Death/Marriage Records, 1860-1900,”
—— on the website [Odessa3],
Glückstal-Arcis Relationships – extracted from the Arcis Family Book, 1861-1880,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 16-17.
Johannes Strobel & Dorothea Maier Marriage Information, 1862 – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File ?? [# not given],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 27-28.
Odessaer Zeitung [daily newspaper published by Louis Nitzsche, Odessa],
—— in [OdZe]
[Extract of a report from Daniel Jülich (Jülch – originally from Neudorf, Glückstal District), village supervisor of the Jewish colonies of Gross Seidemenucha & Bobrowij-Kut, regarding the complications of the varying dialectic, religious and educational traditions of the original colonists in the Glückstal District, and the short tenure of the first pastor, Andreas Kruisberg – From the monthly Unterhaltungsblatt für deutsche Ansiedler im südlichen Russland, 1863, no. 2],
—— in [Stach], p. 42.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 359-360. [English transl.]
Requisitioning of [Kassel] Horses – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-4-21179,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/2, 2002, p. 38.
Parish Data [Glückstal, Kassel, Johannestal, Nikolajew (living in the Israelite Colonies), & Elisabethgrad (1 Israelite Colony) – from [Matthais],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 5/1, 1992, pp. 2-3.
“Seals and Stamps on Russian Documents,”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 309-314.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Russian Seals [digital copies of Seals and Stamps]
1869, Jan 2 to 1870, May 25
“Voter Lists and Oaths of Office – Glückstal District,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 6-6-23294,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 269-295.
—— on [Glückstal-2004] CD Disc 1 /Miscellaneous PDFs / Voter Lists. [commentary on Voter Lists; transcriptions of the German texts; English translations, voter list extractions and commentary]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Signatures-VoterList. [digital copies of the 1869 Voter Lists]
“Emigrants to America 1872-1874,” – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 1-85-107, various items,
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 117-132.
Emigrants to America – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 1-85-107,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 20/1, 2007, pp. 10-13. [partial extraction]
Agende für die Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinden im Russischen Reiche,
—— in [AELGRR]
Threshing in Glückstal, [unidentified photo dating from ca. 1880],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 21/2, 2008, p. 56.
1880, September
Impressions and Experiences in the New Field of Labor in Glückstal [compiled in 1939 by his daughter Anna from notes by Pastor M. F. Schrenk, Sep.1880],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/2, 1998, pp. 43-44. [introduction and translation]
Odessa District, Grossleibental Volost, Family List, Village of Petertsal, Compiled 1881 – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 66-1-6, pp. 1, 10.5, 11 – Part IV of IV, by James D. Klein
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/1. 1998, Supplement pp. [28-31]
Glückstal, Bergdorf, Neudorf and Kassel Parishes from [OdKal],
—— in [Newsletter]. vol. 1/2, 1988, pp. 7-16.
“Wolost Structure of the Glückstal Colonies” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 187-203.
“Parish Structure of the Glückstal Colonies” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 205-216.
[Village Administration of Bergdorf] – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 98.
“Bergdorf Village – Bergdorf Lutheran Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 99.
“Village Administration of Glückstal” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 70.
“Glückstal Village – Glückstal Lutheran Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 72.
[Hoffnungstal Wolost] – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 123.
“Hoffnungstal Village – Hoffnungstal Lutheran Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 124.
[Kassel Wolost information] – extracted from [OdKal];
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 109.
“Kassel Village - Kassel Lutheran Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 110.
“Kassel Village - Neudorf Reformed Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 111.
[Village administration of Neudorf] – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 88.
“Neudorf Village – Glückstal Lutheran Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in Glückstal-2004], p. 89.
“Neudorf Village - Neudorf Reformed Parish” – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in Glückstal-2004], p. 90.
[Daughter Colonies and Chutors, Wolost and Parish Statistics] – extracted from [OdKal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 129-165.
Names and Populations of Glückstal-Bergdorf-Kassel-Neudorf Parishes/Wolosts (Districts) Combined
Section 3. – [Source:] (OdKal) – Neuer Haus und Landwirtschafts Kalender, 1881-1915,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 2/1, 1989, pp. 10-17.
"A Russian Military Document of 1884" [Certificate concerning appearance for fulfillment of compulsory military service and extracts from the statutes concerning compulsory military service],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 24/2, 2011, pp. 57-60.
[Glückstal Colonies Heads of Household who immigrated and settled in Dakota Territory and North and South Dakota] – extracted from [Rath], pp. 403-424,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 422-425.
Glückstal Colonists in Bessarabian Death Records – extracted from [FHL] microfilm #1198695,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/2, 2001, p. 39.
[Dakota Territory Kercher family births from the 1885 census],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 3/1, 1990, p. 13.
Catharina Mehlhaff Estate, 1889 – State Archives of the Odessa Region, Fond 35, Inventory 1, File 3086,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 18/1, 2005, pp. 20-23.
“Sister Amalie Teske, [member of the Evangelical Lutheran convent of a nursing order of nuns in Sarata, Bessarabia],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 384-389.
The Case of Tavrida Province Board of Administration, 1894 [re: Petition of Gottlieb Jacob Kolb of Glückstal & Johann Philipp Obenauer of Bergdorf, to build an iron foundry] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 27-13-2264,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 17/1, 2004, pp. 20-22.
[1895 Deed of Sale of land from Valentin Mehlhaf to Johann Lehr, both of Kassel] – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File 35-1-8568,
—— in [Newsletter] vol. 19/2, 2006, pp. 45-49.
[New Wolost building in Glückstal],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 68
[Marriage, Birth and Death Records] – State Archives of the Odessa Region,
Files 894-1-1, -5, -6, -7, -8, -10, -12, -15, -19, -23, -25, -26 and -31,
—— introduction in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 679-681.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Databases/bdmviewer [html file extractions]
—— 1900s ——
—— in [OdKal], 1901, pp. 101-106.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 64-67. [English transl.]
“Hoffnungstal, Gouv. Cherson, Kreis Tiraspol,” [Hoffnungstal, Cherson Province, Tiraspol Region],
—— in [OdKal], 1904, pp. 98-102.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 120-122. [English transl.]
Entwurf einer Kirchengemeinde- und Synodalordnung für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche Russlands (1907),
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 205-222. [reprint]
1908, July - 25 November
[The trip of the Family of Gustav Mauser from South Russia to Aberdeen, SD] – extracted from [DFP], 4-25 February, 1909,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 416-417.
[Glückstal and Hoffnungstal Parish Districts], from a historical statistical treatise taken from the Central Committee of the Assistance Office of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia, from the St. Petersburg and Moscow Consistories, published by J. Watfar, St. Petersburg, 1909,
—— in [Newsletter] 7/2, 1994, pp. 7-10.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 369-376.
“Das hundertjährige Gründungsjahr der Kolonie Bergdorf , Süd-Russland,” [The Centennial of the founding of the colony of Bergdorf],
—— in [EP], 17 Feb. 1910.
—— in [Mack], p. [103]. [facsimile]
—— in [Mack], p. 94-96. [transcription]
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 12/2, 1999, pp. 38-40. [English transl.]
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 100-103. [English transl.]
Rosin Information, 1912 Kassel Births – State Archives of the Odessa Region, File ?? [# not given],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, p. 28.
“Das Wolostgebiet Glückstal, Gouvernement Chersson, Kreis Tiraspol” [The Political District of Glückstal, Cherson Province, Tiraspol Region],
—— in [OdKal], 1915, pp. 108-128.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], [English transl.],
Wolost, pp. 51-55.
Glücktal, pp. 68-69.
Neudorf , p. 86.
Bergdorf , pp. 96-97.
Klein Bergdorf, pp. 141-142.
Kronstal, p. 145.
[Glückstal Colonies population and Livestock Statistics], extracted from [OdKal, 1915], pp. 208-238,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 593.
Enteignungs- und Liquidationsgesetze, 13. Februar 1915 [Statutes regarding the appropriation (of land) and liquidation (of land rights of the German colonists), 13 Feb. 1915]
—— in [Hummel], pp. 223-252.
—— on the website [GRD]: (archived link in German)
[WW I Ladner & Fauth correspondence],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 559-566.
[Letters from Ethnic Germans to their American relatives],
—— in [Vossler-1]. [translation]
[Letters from, to and about residents of Marienberg],
—— in [Marienberg], pp. 139-331. [original German text & English transl.]
Canadian [Wartime] Registration [on 22 June 1918 of all citizens 16 years or older, & in 1940 of all citizens who were of, or near military age],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 3/2, 1990, pp. 11-13.
Names and Populations of Glückstal-Bergdorf-Kassel-Neudorf Parishes/Wolosts (Districts) Combined,
Section 2. – [Source:] Karl Stumpp [specific source not identified],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 2/1, 1989, pp. 9-10
“Temporäre Bestimmungen über die Selbstverwaltung der evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden in Russland (1920),”
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 223-230. [reprint]
Relief Sent to Colonists by Their Dakota Relatives - 1920s,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, p. 22.
Serbyn, Roman. “The First Man-Made Famine in Soviet Ukraine 1921-1923,”
—— on the website [UKRW]:
Help from America, 1922 – extracted from Eureka Rundschau, 5 October 1922, p. 6 & 12 October, 1922, p. 6,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/2, 2000, pp. 45-47.
“Verfassung der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Russland (1924),”
—— in [Stupperich], pp. 231-243. [reprint]
Mutschelknaus, Friedrich. “Wanderung der ersten Russlanddeutschen nach Dakota. Erinnerungen aus den Jahren 1872-1873,”
—— in [DFP], 11 Nov. 1924, pp. 1 & 5.; 18 Nov. 1924, p. 4.
—— in [AHSGR-W], No. 6, 1971, pp. 43-52. [English transl.]
—— in [GRHS-HR], 5-6, 1973, pp. 3-7. [English transl.]
—— in [Glückstal-2008], p. 541. [English transl. of Part I]
—— on the website [GRHC]: [English transl. of Part I] (archived link)
[Letters from Germans in the Soviet Union to their American relatives],
—— in [Vossler-2].
Hieb, Jacob. “My Return to Russia,” [beginning Christmas, 1927],
—— in [AHSGR-J], 5/2, 1982, 4-9; 5/3, 1982, 16-20; 5/4, 1982, 35-39; 6/1, 1983, 31-37; 6/2, 1983, 26-30; 6/3, 1983, 45-49.
ca. 1931-1933
“Liste der entkulakisierten Familien aus Friedenstal” [Table - List of those families from Friedenstal labeled Kulaks],
—— in [Mack], p. 132.
Book Review: Odessa Martyrology, see [BoschT],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 3-10.
“The Great Terror in Odessa Province, 1937-1938,” - extracted from:[arrest records extracted from various KGB case files abstracted from the archives of the Ukrainian Security Service, Neues Leben (?), [Martyr], purchased lists of those repressed, and [BoschT].
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 409-452.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Terror [inventories of the case files discussed in the article above]
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category1-arrest date.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category 1-Surname.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category2-arrest date.
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /PDFs/Category2-Surname.
List of Arrests in Bergdorf in 1937-38,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, pp. 30-31.
“Liste der repressierten Friedenstaler (1937-1938) [Table - List of the Friedenstalers who were repressed],
—— in [Mack], p. 131.
Most Never Came Back [individuals repressed in Friedenstal, 1936-1938 - extracted from [Heimatbuch] 1997-1998, pp. 157-158,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 14/1, 2001, p. 18.
Russian-German [Repression] Death Lists,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 15/2, 2002, pp. 48-56.
[1939-1945] – [Naturalization Records of the German SS: Einwandererzenstralstelle (EWZ) – Introduction to the records],
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 495-500.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /EWZTablesPDF. [extractions - pdf files]
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /EWZTablesTAB. [extractions - text documents (they open with WordPad)]
—— on [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Databases/EWZViewer [extractions - text files, a more easily searchable version]
Stangl, Thomas and Janice. “Researching German-Russian Families in the Berlin Document Center Films National Archives II,”
—— on the website [Odessa3]:
Canadian [Wartime] Registration [on 22 June 1918 of all citizens 16 years or older, & in 1940 of all citizens who were of, or near military age],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 3/2, 1990, pp. 11-13.
“German SS Activities in the Bergdorf Area, 1941,”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 567-569.
Sonderkommando [Karl] Stumpp [Glückstal villages report from field trip in Sep. & Oct. 1941],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 16/1, 2003, pp. 23-24.
Krontal/Glückstal [District] Census, 1941-17 March 1944, by Jakob Martinson
[copy from the Landsmannschaft der deutschen aus Russland, Stuttgart], plus additional information,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 7/1, 1994, pp. 10-12.
1943, 6 April
“Liste der am 06.04.1943 in die deutsche Armee einbesogenen Friedenstaler” [Table - List of the Friedenstalers inducted into the German Army on 6 April 1943],
—— in [Mack], p. 133.
1943, October 15
Stumpp [Final] Report [of the Stumpp Project – analyzing Aryan ancestry based upon Ukrainian archival records] – extracted from the RAGAS Newsletter,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/1. 1998, pp. 25-26.
ca. 1944
[Neudorf resident lists & map representing the period from ca. 1920-1944],
—— in [Glückstal-2008], DVD /Documents/Neudorf.
1944, 12 March - 1945, January
“Eyewitness report on the Trek from Hoffnungsfeld to Poland in 1944, by Johannes Lutz,”
—— in [HeightH], pp. 406-413;
—— in [HeightM], pp. 151-158.
1944, 12 March - 1945, 19 February
“Our Return to German” – Diary of the Hoffnungstal Trek, by Gertrud (Schlacht) Pettereins, transl. by Armand Bauer,
—— in [GRHS-HR] 26/4, 1996, pp. 4-18.
—— in [Glückstal-2004], pp. 465, 468-488.
—— on [Glückstal-2004], CD Disc 1 /Russia After 1917/Weston.Adeline. [digital photos from Adeline Weston]
1944, 12 March - 1944, 26 June
“Our Return to Germany: Diary of Gertrud (Schlaht) Peterreins [a variant version], transl. by Elli Wise,
—— on the website [Odessa3]: [English] [German]
1944, 19 March-ff
“Song of the Kassel Trek, 1944 [text only],”
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 467.
“Song of the Kassel Trek, 1944 [text and music],”
—— in [Glückstal-2008], pp. 386, 390-392.
Soviet Records [of persons arrested in eastern Germany in 1945, being turned over to the German Red Cross],
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 11/2, 1998, p. 41.
Bergdorfers [pictured] in Kazakhstan in 1953, from Pauline (Obenauer) Hoffman of Germany,
—— in [Newsletter], vol. 13/1, 2000, p. 29.
“Bread & Kuchen baked [by Annie (Roesch) Larson] at the [Washington, DC] Festival of American Folklife, 1975,
—— in [Glückstal-2004], p. 633.
By Homer Rudolf, 2009
Edited and updated by Sandy Schilling Payne, 2022
[AELGRR] – Agende für die evangelisch-lutherischen Gemeinden im russischen Reiche [Agenda for the Evangelical Lutheran congregations in the Russian Empire]. St. Petersburg: R. Golicke, 1897. Digitized version.
[AHSGR-J] – Journal of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, AHSGR, [1978 to the present].
[AHSGR-W] – American Historical Society of Germans from Russia Work Papers, AHSGR, [1969-1977].
[BlackSea] – Black Sea German Census, etc: Supplement to the “Stumpp Book,” vol. 1. Bismarck, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Society, 2003.
[BoschT] – Bosch, Anton, Trauerbuch Odessa [2]. Nürnberg HFDR, 2007.
[Brandes] – Brandes, Detlef, and Victor Dönninghaus. Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen [Bibliography on the History and Culture of the Russian Germans], München: Oldenbourg, 1999. [Updated from 1994 edition and continuation in the periodical Forschung zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen under the title “Laufende Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Kultur der Russlanddeutschen,” vol. 5, 1995, pp. 187-199.]
[DFP] – Dakota Freie Presse [newspaper published from various locations,] 1873-1946.
[EP] – Eureka Post and Die Eureka Post. Eureka Post. Eureka, McPherson Co., S.D. : O.J. Roe. 18??-19??. Digital versions from the Library of Congress: English German
[FHL] – Family History Library. Website. n.d.
[GELKR] – Gesetz für die evangelisch-lutherische Kirche in Russland [Law for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. [St. Petersburg ?], 1832. Digitized version, 1857 edition.
[Glückstal-1858] – Hoffman, Karl, Margaret Freeman & Harold Ehrman, transl. for Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colony Census (1858). Fargo, ND: Document Publishing Center, North Dakota State University, 1998.
[Glückstal-1858b] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Glückstal, Odessa: 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.
[Glückstal-2004] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia and North America: A Bicentennial Collection of History, Genealogy and Folklore. Pierre, SD: State Pub. & Printing, 2004.
[Glückstal-2008] – Rudolf, Homer ed. The Glückstalers in New Russia, the Soviet Union, and North America. Fargo, ND: Richtman's Printing, 2008.
[Glückstal-2015] – Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2015 Flash Drive. Savage, MN, 2015. [Extended and replaced with Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2021 Data Drive.]
[Glückstal-2021] – Glückstal Colonies Research Association. Glückstal Colonies Research Association 2021 Data Drive. Frisco, TX, 2021.
[Glückstal-Births-Marriages] – Ehrman, Harold M. Glückstal Colonies Births and Marriages, 1833-1900. Fargo, North Dakota: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 1997.
[Glückstal-Deaths] – Ehrman, Harold M. Glückstal Colonies Deaths, 1833-1900. Fargo, North Dakota: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, 1998.
[GRD] – “Geschichte Der Russland Deutschen” [History of the Russian Germans]. Website. n.d. [This website was heavily referenced when the source bibliographies on the GCRA website were composed. It was used for classes in German secondary schools. It has since removed or moved most of its content. Archived links from the early 2000s are noted where they are available.]
[GRHC] – Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, [special collections, museum, website],
[GRHS-HR] – Heritage Review [Journal of the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], GRHS, [1973 to the present].
[GRHS-WP] – North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia: Work Paper, GRHS, [1971-1972].
[HeightH] – Height, Joseph S. Homesteaders on the Steppe: Cultural History of the Evangelical- Lutheran Colonies in the Region of Odessa, 1804-1945. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1975.
[HeightM] – Height, Joseph S. Memories of the Black Sea Germans: Highlights of Their History and Heritage. Associated German-Russian Sponsors, 1979.
[HeightP] – Height, Joseph S. Paradise on the Steppe: A Cultural History of the Kutschurgan, Beresan, and Liebental Colonists: 1804-1972. Bismarck: North Dakota Historical Society of Germans from Russia [now the Germans from Russia Heritage Society], 1973.
[Heimatbuch] – Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland, 19.. [Homeland Book of the Germans from Russia, 19..] Stuttgart, Landmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, [1954 to the present].
[Hoffnungstal-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Hoffnungstal, Tiraspol Kreis, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.
[Hohman] – Hohman, John George. Pow Wows or, The Long Lost Friend: A Collection of Mysterious and Invaluable Arts and Remedies for Man as well as Animals with many Proofs of their virtue and efficacy in healing diseases, etc., the greater part of which was never published until they appeared in print for the first time in the U.S. in the year 1819. [reprint] Airville, PA: Yardbird Books, 1992. Digitized version..
[Hummel] – Hummel, Theodor. 100 Jahre Erbhofrecht der detuschen Kolonisten in Russland. [100 Years of Laws of Inheritance of the German Colonists in Russia.] Berlin; Reichsnrährstand Verlags-Ges. m. b.h., [1936].
[Kassel-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Kassel, Tiraspol District, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.
[Leibbrandt] – Leibbrandt, Georg. Die deutschen Kolonien in Cherson und Bessarabien: Berichte der Gemeindeämter der lutherischen Kolonien in der ersten Hälfte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. [The German colonies in Cherson and Bessarabia: reports from the parish offices of the Lutheran colonies in the first half of the nineteenth century.] Stuttgart: Ausland und Heimat Verlags-Aktiengesellschaft, 1926. Digitized version.
[Mack] – Mack, Eduard. Zwischen Moldau und Ukraine: Erinnerungen an die deutschen Kolonien im Glückstaler Gebiet. [Between Moldova and Ukraine: Memories of the German Colonies in the Glückstal Region.] Ravensburg: Hanf Buch- und Mediendruck, 2005.
[Marienberg] – Bollinger, Johann & Janice Huber Stangl, Marienberg: Schicksal eines Dorfes / Fate of Village. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2000.
[Martyr] – Kovalʹchuk, L. V., and G. A. Razumov. Odesskiĭ martirolog: dannye o repressirovannykh Odessy i Odesskoĭ oblasti za gody sovetskoĭ vlasti [Odessa Martyrology: data on the repressed people of Odessa and Odessa oblast during the years of Soviet rule]. Odessa: OKFA. 1997.
[Miller] – North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies and Michael M. Miller, Researching the Germans from Russia: annotated bibliography of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection at the North Dakota Institute for Regional Studies, North Dakota State University Library ; with a listing of the library materials at the Germans from Russia Heritage Society, Fargo, N.D., USA: The Institute. 1987.
[MRDK] – Museum für RusslandDeutsch Kulturgeschichte [Museum for Russian-German Cultural History],
[Neudorf-1858] – Germans from Russia Heritage Society, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, and GRHS Clearing House. Neudorf, Tiraspol District, Odessa, 1858 Census. Bismarck, N.D.; [Germans from Russia Heritage Society] ; Lincoln, Neb.: [American Historical Society of Germans from Russia], 1998.
[Newsletter] – Glückstal Colonies Research Association Newsletter, Glückstal Colonies Research Association, GCRA, [1987 to the present].
[Odessa3] – “Odessa: A German-Russian Genealogical Library.” Website. 1993-present.
[OdKal] – Neuer Haus- und Landwirthschaftskalender für deutsche Aussiedler in südlicher Russland auf das Jahr ... [New house and farming calendar for German emigrants in Southern Russia for the year ...] Odessa: Druck und Verlag von L. Nitzsche, [published 1863-1915]. Digitized versions of 1906, 1909, 1910 and 1913.
[OdZe] – Odessaer Zeitung. Odessa: L Nitche. 1861-1918.
[Rath] – Rath, George. The Black Sea Germans in the Dakotas. Freeman, SD: Pine Hill Press, 1991.
[Rubarth-Lay] – James Rubarth-Lay. "Napoleon's Invasion of Russia, 1812." Staff website, The University of Texas at Austin. (archived link)
[Schmaltz] – Schmaltz, Eric J. An expanded bibliography and reference guide for the former Soviet Union's ethnic Germans: issues of ethnic autonomy, group repression, cultural assimilation, and mass emigration in the twentieth century and beyond. Fargo, N.D.: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2003.
[Stach] – Stach, Jakob. Die deutschen Kolonien in Südrussland: Kulturgeschichtliche Studien und Bilder über das erste Jahrhundert ihres Bestehens. I. Teil. [The German colonies in southern Russia: cultural-historical studies and images of the first century of their existence. Part 1.] Prishib: Gottlieb Schaad, 1904.
[StumppB] – Stumpp, Karl. Das Schrifttum über das Deutschtum in Rußland: e. Bibliographie. Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft d. Deutschen aus Rußland e.V. 1980.
[StumppKE] – Stumpp, Karl. Emigration From Germany to Russia in the Years 1763-1862. Lincoln, NE: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1982. Digitized version.
[StumppV] – Stumpp, Karl. “Verzeichnis der deutschen Siedlungen im Gebiet Odessa,” [Directory of German Settlements in the Odessa Region] in Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland 1956. [Homeland book of the Germans from Russia 1956.] Stuttgart: Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland, 1982 reprint, 182-192. “Anhang” on p. 193.
[Stupperich] – Stupperich, Robert. Kirchenordnungen der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche in Russland [Church Orders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Russia]. Ulm/Donau: "Unser Weg" Verlag. 1959.
[UKRW] – The Ukrainian Weekly. Parsippany, N.J. : The Ukrainian Weekly. 1933-present. Digitized version: latest issues, archive 1933-2019.
[Vossler-1] – Vossler, Ronald J. & Joshua J., transls. & eds. The Old God Still Lives: Ethnic Germans in Czarist and Soviet Ukraine Write Their American Relatives, 1915-1924. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2005.
[Vossler-2] – Vossler, Ronald J., transl. We’ll Meet Again in Heaven: Germans in The Soviet Union Write Their American Relatives, 1925-1937. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2001.
Page last updated 7 March 2022